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SOLD - Heartwood Friendship Earrings!

  • Thread starter Lady Buttercup
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Lady Buttercup

What are these, where did they come from, and how much do they go for?
I have a pair that i got from a friend for free.....so just wondering if these are anything special.

Oh I am on Chessy


These are from an EM event on Legends, 16 were given out. Probably worth 20mil. Excellent find!


You can get alot more than 20m for a pair of EM earrings. Event earrings are hard to come by and when they're in nifty colors it only makes them worth more. there are generally only 4 different names available for sale, heartwood fellowship, fake blackrock, dragonbone, and mongbat.

The dragon bone usually sells for around 40-50+
I sold a pair of fake blackrock for 50+ in july
The other two I havent seen sold in awhile, but I wouldn't let them go for less then 40m, and even then I think you could do better.

Lady Buttercup

These are like a bright green color. What year were these given out.....and you say only 16 total were given out? If thats the case, then yes, i will try to get more for them.


The fact that it's part of a set makes the desirability a lot higher and thus the worth a lot more.

People who may be trying to collect the rest of the set (I think ceremonial staff and dryad sandals?) would probably be willing to pay a up to if not over 100m, though that's just my opinion since earrings don't interfere with any slot with a mod.

16 spread over every shard is still a very small number, especially when none were true duped and only changeling duped for the appearance that I know of.


Xel, makes an excellent point regarding the desirability of the item to complete a set, for someone wishing to complete one it considerably increases what they're willing to pay.


The Heartwood Friendship earrings came out with the three staffs but not the dryad sandals. They are from a race on Legends. First three got staff and the next seventeen got the earrings. One person did not claim so there are indeed 16.

Lady Buttercup

Well then, thanks for the info.......now drum roll......Taking offers on "Heartwood Friendship Earrings"!! Chessy Shard!


My personal opinion is always welcome right? LOL..
If I recieved a pair of earrings of such value from a friend I don't think I would turn around and sell them.. I would think one would have some sort of sentimental value with them. Just my opinion tho

Lady Buttercup

well......"The friend" quit this game to play *cough, cough* World of warcraft *cough, cough*........so im sure he no longer cares.