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[Sold] SOLD! Contact me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Items handed to: Outcry, Promathia, Goodman, Nails Warstein, Keel, Goodmann, Shumer, Olcher, Alexander of ATL, SoulWeaver, Angel Dust
Looking to give to: lineman, Risso

PLEASE ICQ ME : 416 182 073 (pookie/inigo) - To contact me about picking up your items.

<<<<<<<<<< Atlantic Items >>>>>>>>>
1 A Certificate Of Capture (Slime hunter)
2 A Chocoloate Dipped Easter Carrot 1m - Outcry
3 A Stick of Easter Spam 1m - Outcry
4 Anti-Guard's Proof Of Destruction 20m - SoulWeaver
5 Big Majik Flippers (pinkish) - 1m - Keel
6 Favor Of The Bane Chosen Army (owned by no one) 500m - Promathia
7 Greetings From EM Bennu - Atlantic 2010
8 Greetings From EM Promethium, Atlantic 2011
9 Greetings From EM Pyewacket, Atlantic 2011
10 Irish Dancing Shoes 2m - Shumer
11 Nibbled Carrot Left Behind From The Easter Bunny 500k - Outcry
12 Seven Tears' Double Bock *stamped With Ye Olde Winery's Seal 6m - Goodman
13 Shadow Deller Lock 1m - Outcry


14 A Jukan Ceremonial Katana 25m - Goodmann
15 A Magical Dagger 10m - Nails Warstein
16 A Monk's Robe (purple hue'd) 25m - Olcher n
17 A Necromaner Shroud (5 cold resist and blessed) 15m - Goodmann
18 A Novel Of Historical Locations (Rune book, in open book format) 600m - Nails Warstein
19 A Wizard's Hat Recovered During The Rescue Of Giri Ui.
20 Blood red armour set (chain ring plate 1 of each)
21 Feet Bound Tightly By Leather 180m - Nails Warstein
22 Garkin's Dream Elixir 52m - Alexander of ATL.
23 Glass Dagger
24 Gravestone 1stone, 100% physical damage, WS 2.5s, 1h, Swords (can't be equiped
) 25m - Lineman
25 Hands Bound Tightly By Leather 180m - Nails Warstein
26 Happy Fourth Of July Blue - 2m - Olcher
27 Happy Fourth Of July Red 2m - Olcher
28 I Beat Mesanna Playing Lets Make A Deal On Lake Superior 60m - Shumer
29 I Played Mesanna Roulette And All I Got Was This Corpse 15m - Alexander of ATL.
30 I Survived The St. Paddy's Drunken Knife Throwing Contest
31 I was Killed Multiple Times By Professor Jenkins And Have The Death Robes To Prove It
32 L-Ag Cure 3m - Shumer33 Light 3m - Risso
34-39 Marble Platemail Set: Arms, Gloves, Legs, Mempo, Tunic, Skull Cap 150m - Goodmann
40 Meer (Bag with that name) 50m - Outcry
41 Queen Dawn's Investigator Spyglass
42 Reindeer Booties (Red, Green) 5m - Shumer
43 Shield Stamped With The Mark Of The Shadowlords 15m - Goodmann
44 Shiv of Wrath - 27m - Keel
45 Spun Copper Diving Bell 2m - Goodman
46 Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (ice blue stem with a bit of purply red rose top) 10m - Goodmann
47 Wooden Bench Crafted By Lord Derium (Marble Bench from LS Mage Tower!) 250m - Goodmann
48 Dark Energy Sabre 26m - Keel

Sonoma Items

49 A Bag Of Peanut Brittle - Sonoma 2010
50 A Chunk of Rock For The Not So Nice - Sonoma 2010
51 A Vest Knitted By Grandma - Sonoma 2010
52 A Well Used Toy Sword - Sonoma 2010

I maintain the right to refuse any offer from a buyer based off their notoriety, "new-ness", fake up-bidding or any such situation which seems out of place or puts me, the seller, in a negative situation or position.. I may also request a reliable middle (wo)man be brought in to prevent gold/item scamming.

P.S. Sorry for the format this is in.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Alexander of ATL. 52 + 15 = 67m
22 Garkin's Dream Elixir
29 I Played Mesanna Roulette And All I Got Was This Corpse
Goodman 15+150+15+2+10+250 = 442m
17 A Necromaner Shroud (5 cold resist and blessed)
34-39 Marble Platemail Set: Arms, Gloves, Legs, Mempo, Tunic, Skull Cap
43 Shield Stamped With The Mark Of The Shadowlords
45 Spun Copper Diving Bell
46 Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (ice blue stem with a bit of purply red rose top)
47 Wooden Bench Crafted By Lord Derium (Marble Bench from LS Mage Tower!)
Keel 1+ 27 + 26 = 54m
5 Big Majik Flippers (pinkish)
44 Shiv of Wrath
48 Dark Energy Sabre
Lineman 25m
24 Gravestone 1stone, 100% physical damage, WS 2.5s, 1h, Swords (can't be equiped)
Nails Warstein 10+600+180+180 = 970m
15 A Magical Dagger
18 A Novel Of Historical Locations (Rune book, in open book format)
21 Feet Bound Tightly By Leather
25 Hands Bound Tightly By Leather
Olcher 25+2+2 = 29m
16 A Monk's Robe (purple hue'd)
26 Happy Fourth Of July Blue
27 Happy Fourth Of July Red
Outcry 1+ 1+ .5 + 1 + 50 = 53m 500K +6m Paid! :D12 Seven Tears' Double Bock *stamped With Ye Olde Winery's Seal
2 A Chocoloate Dipped Easter Carrot
3 A Stick of Easter Spam
11 Nibbled Carrot Left Behind From The Easter Bunny
13 Shadow Deller Lock
40 Meer (Bag with that name)
Promathia 500m
6 Favor Of The Bane Chosen Army (owned by no one)
Risso 3m
33 Light
Shumer 2+60 + 3 +5 = 70m
10 Irish Dancing Shoes
28 I Beat Mesanna Playing Lets Make A Deal On Lake Superior
32 L-Ag Cure
42 Reindeer Booties (Red, Green)
SoulWeaver 20m
4 Anti-Guard's Proof Of Destruction


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Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What is the story with the gravestone, any info?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That I have nothing on sadly other than it fell during the great IDOC housing fall.
Fell on Sonoma, but I moved it to LS. That is really all I know :/

If i had to guess I would say it was from when EM Amairgen was around...


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King of The Bearded Ladies
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Start These At...

4 Anti-Guard's Proof Of Destruction -20m
6 Favor Of The Bane Chosen Army (owned by no one) -25m
48 Dark Energy Sabre -25m


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
40 50mil
21 75 mil
25 75 mil
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Woops sorry, got 25 in there for you. D: sorry about that outcry, I knew I was blind C_X

adding a few new pics,
And I think i've updated everything thus far.
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Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Garkin's Dream Elixer - 35mil
I Beat Mesanna Playing Lets Make A Deal On Lake Superior - 20mil
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (ice blue stem with a bit of purply red rose top) - 5mil
A Necromaner Shroud (5 cold resist and blessed) - 10mil
Shield Stamped With The Mark Of The Shadowlords - 10mil


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Garkin's Dream Elixer - 40mil
I Beat Mesanna Playing Lets Make A Deal On Lake Superior - 30mil
Thank You Napa, Love Mesanna (ice blue stem with a bit of purply red rose top) - 10mil
A Necromaner Shroud (5 cold resist and blessed) - 15mil
Shield Stamped With The Mark Of The Shadowlords - 15mil


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
16 A Monk's Robe (purple hue'd) - 15m
18 A Novel Of Historical Locations - 30m
44 Shiv of Wrath - 20m


Stratics Veteran
28 I Beat Mesanna Playing Lets Make A Deal On Lake Superior - 60mil
47 Wooden Bench Crafted By Lord Derium - 150mil


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
18 A Novel Of Historical Locations - 40m
47 Wooden Bench Crafted By Lord Derium - 160mil
Garkin's Dream Elixer 50


Stratics Veteran
Reindeer Booties (Red, Green)- 5mil (both)
Wooden Bench Crafted By Lord Derium - 175mil


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
40 50mil
21 75 mil
25 75 mil
18 55mil
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

LAST DAY!! 16Hours and ~10 mins remaining!!!

outcry, Goodmann bid 40m on #18 just a bit earlier than that. I can not accept that bid at this time.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
40 50mil
21 120
25 120
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
5. Big Majik Flippers 1m
44. Shiv of Wrath 21m
48. Dark Energy Sabre 26m
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