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[Selling] *SOLD* Atlantic/GL 72 month account - For sale - 125m


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Account comes with an UOA key


Character 1: Human – Has personal bless deed
120 blacksmith
120 tailoring
100 tinker
100 mining
100 carpentry
some magery/med/focus

Character 2: Human – 255 stats – pure white hair/beard RED
120 resist
120 eval
120 med
120 necro
120 spirit speak
117.8 magery

Character 3: Human – Has personal bless deed – wears simple med LRC suit
100 med
91.6 eval
89.2 magery
80.3 music
58 inscription
53.9 resist
55.8 wrestle

Character 4: Human – 255 stats – pure white hair/beard – Has personal bless deed
120 parry
120 mace fighting
107.9/120 bush
100 anat
100 resist
76.3 healing
86.6 tacts
About 130k in bank. 2 blank soul stone fragments

Character 5: Human – 240 stats – pure white hair/beard
120 animal lore
120 vet
115 music
111.2/115 peacemaking
110 magery
85.5/120 animal taming (Real)
Around 280k in bank. Wears simple med LRC suit. Has decent trained pets in stables (WW, normal red dragon, mare, rune bettle)

Character 6: Human – 255 stats – Wears PvM suit
115 fencing
89.2 focus
78 parry
65 chiv
Abought 180k in gold. Has PvM weapons in bank.

The above characters have rune books/spellbooks/necro books ect.

Lake Superior:

Character 1: Human
50 tailoring
Has a rose with the characters' name. Has 200k in bank, ride Blue bettle

Character 2:
nothing to speak of – can delete

Character 3:
nothing to speak of – can delete

Character 4: Human – (Female)
110 med
110 eval
110 magery
75.3 resist
Wears decent suit. About 150k in bank – has rune books/spellbooks/necro book

Character 5:
nothing to speak of, can delete

Great Lakes:

Character 1: Human – 255 stats – Bright purple hair/beard
120 mace fighting
120 parry
100 anat
100 resist
100 tacts
100 healing
64 parry
Has rune books – rides bonded swampy

Character 2: Human – 255 stats
110.1/115 swords
100 focus
100 necro
100 spirit speak
100 tacts
100 anat
76.4 healing
Has rune books/necro book

Character 3: Human (Female) – 255 stats and is RED
113.3/115 fencing
111.4/115 parry
110 tacts
110 anat
93.2 healing
80 poison
54 chiv
Has rune books

Character 4: Human (Female)
120 tailoring
120 blacksmith
100 carpentry
93.8 magery
87.1 mining
85.5 eval


Character 1: Human
Has a AOS rose with the characters' name