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Society of Archers


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Howdy folks,

I've been away for many years, and have just returned. My archer still carries the guild tag for the Society of Archers [S|A]. Was wondering if there are any folks left on Baja from [S|A]? Website is gone, and haven't seen anyone with the tag.

Just in case, my archer is Haz. Used to run with everyone on alot of different spawns, damn it was fun!! If you don't remember Haz, there were 2 other toons that helped out on a number of occassions, there was DM my mage/tamer, and then there was Parrot, the Bard/THunter.

If there are any members around, would sure like to get back and involved.

Thanks everyone,


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty sure this is a good way to find them; whenever S|A is mentioned here, their members come pretty soon.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excellent, been trying for 3 months to get my old acct back and EA found it this morning, so I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things.

Thanks bro,


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks Noble, and can I say it's good to be back, and even better since they located my old acct.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Sosarian,

My Cousin Aerowyn is Huntress of S|A and Moving Target still plays and is S|A's oldest Founding Member ... I believe. Orion, the last Guild Leader, left years ago and though we continue trying to Elect a New Leader, so far the game mechanics have not cooperated.

Toni Fierce of M!S continues Hosting the BSR, Best Shot in the Realm Tournaments.

Welcome Back, and Never Surrender the "Honor of the Bow."

Seek Aerowyn or others of S|A in General Chat on Baja ... or PM me here or simply reply here. All are fine.


Hail Haz long time no see... welcome back we still meet and hunt but we are fewer than when you nwere with us... let me know when you will be on and we can see what you need... GUild chat still is up so let us know...

Moving Target....S|A


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I saw your name on the roster, and was quite pleased to see you still have sustained the mental and physical abilities to continue as a leader of S|A....lol. I know I am getting older and my game play has suffered some. I logged Haz on and headed for Wrong. Died when I blinked, muhahaha. Used to be a single person excursion...damn I've got some practicing to do!

It's good to hear from you my old friend. Today and tomorrow, logging in will be sporadic, but as an old retired fart now, there will be plenty of time...I look forward to picking up our friendship where it left off, with you and all the others, old and new.

I will look for you on Monday late afternoon or on Tuesday to catch up a bit. I plan on being around regularly.

See ya soon,
