If Hawkeye takes the time to do that, will these recruiters answer his questions in the OP? I wouldn't blame him if he had you keelhauled if the pirate trudges through the desert and finds no answers when you could do it here.
Just sayin'
Even if you can't give out details and spoilers, a yes or no would be good.
"Yes, this arc will have long term effects on your own shard history with reguards to future storylines, arcs, how your character is treated in certain lands or by certain monsters/npc's, etc..."
"No, when we turn it off, you will have had something to kill time and you'll have a trunk or two of item specific loot to remember it by. Then everything goes back to the way it was."
It would suck if all it really lead to was...well, like now, every once in a while I will hear a newer player ask "Hey, why is there a pale green statue of a lizardman on a pedestal on the way to the Brit Bank? That's kinda weird...".