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So where is the next one?!



To be honest, I thought the Magincia invasion, then the SL invasions were both well...great. They really got people out in centralized areas, including both Fel and Tram, instead of in the dark corners of some dungeon where no one goes, farming the same creature over and over. I know SA is coming out somewhat soon but I hope that doesn't mean we won't be getting any shard wide, long lasting eventesque type things until then.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I lagged at those events with a good internet connection.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would be nice if something would happen people are getting bored and not getting onto uo as often on my shard nothing to do all the same old same old crap again gets Old fast we done all the spawns x10+ fel and illsh + all the other spawns Labrinth Weld Bedlam Tokuno.. Our peerless methods are down pat. Hell we even gone and farmed abcess for kicks and giggles + paragon chests hehe.

Issues with Peerless same as always the keys don't drop often enough for a casual session of play my bud came online for a hour or so and was trying to get keys for trav and took well over 2 hours to get one set i don't mind the random factor but the low respawn rate of the mobs is just LAME. Get a team of 3 in the citidel and they sit and wait for 90% of their time.

Spawns well they were a nice diversion but that got old fast just same stuff that we got sick of long ago with some new rewards.. Even when getting a little extra kick by doing them in illsh its just not enough to keep us going back for more. Weld bedlam lab tokuno spawns were nice to do but in the end to much hastle for small group weld bedlam anyhow lab spawn is just a bore kill cows over and over YAY.... And tokuno well we overdone it so bored.

Paragon farming Named Ml farming... Not often unless keys are involved.. Though we did go farm abcess a bit just for a giggle its just not worth the effort.

Give us more to do MORE MORE MORE I SAY!!!
I am sure sa will grant my wish of more but only for a short time till we been there done that and we want something new to do. Em events were cool for the first 2 or 3 then the crybabies YELLING FAVORITISM AND UNFAIR GIME GIME ruined it for many so now we get a name on a plaque oh joy... Yep i don't even bother going now was fun for a week or two.

Basicly i am at the point i only log in to sort out my goodies and throw what i do not need onto vendors. try to go play a bit but get bored since my friends not about because they have gotten sick of uo recently. Hell i even gm'd fishing out of boredom... Yeah fishing know some of ya love the skill but the actual process of skill gaining is not all that exciteing.

MORE SHARD WIDE EVENTS THIS IS WHAT I WANT so do many others i know one friend just last week comented that she missed doing events we are a good pair when it comes to the team work she saves me i save her we kill the nasty things. I just want to express that the whole idea of an expansion is good and am happy that they are putting it out for us to play. But what we need more then some new stomping ground is more community involvement. Things like Moonglow rift event, Melissa, Maginca, The Strangers, ext got groups of players who normally do not associate to work together and to team up more importantly i believe is just the fact that people turn up for them in good numbers. Be it to show off how strong they are or to rp a bit with a large audiance.


I'd like to see a few things brought back, to get people out:

-Bring back Tokuno artis in some capacity, but make them hard to get.
-Increase drops of Ilsh/Makato arties. Also, make every peerless have a chance to drop a "cursed" arti, like crimson or crystaline.
-Give Doom more incentive, I don't know what, but fix this thing, please.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Um.. doesn't your shard have an EM program? How come your not doing that? GL's EMs have been awesome.... granted you don't "get stuff" typically .... unless you copy the books and things for some memento from the event but generally they have some fun stuff to do...

I'd like to see them bring back tokuno arties... add a few new ones but I'm betting that nothing will happen until after SA.... some time after SA.

I would rather they spent their time after SA fixing bugs, fixing exploits and finding a way to stop the rampant cheating.

Then I'd like they to redo all the loot tables, make things more monster specific... and logical...

While they are redoing loot I want them to redo all the MIB's and Treasure maps and add new treasures.... Unique things you can ONLY get from MIB's and from THunting..... Not the Mini-arti stuff.... but some awesome tiles like Treasure tiles... Maybe new gems, things you would expect in a treasure... gold, maybe some neat replica's... artifacts, perhaps some sort of special ingredients... Or quest items. Give me a reason to want to dig up treasure again... give me a reason to go fish up all my MIB's.... cause right now it's not worth the time.