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So whats the general opinion on Global and EM Events so far?


Always Present
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I love the global events - all shards get the same chance of the same rewards over a period of time so everyone gets a look in.

I love the new EM events too.. great new interaction with the EMs with new storylines to follow. I do not like the fact that some shards give out unique items to players while other shards do not..this seems a little unfair to me..no attack whatsoever on any EM intended...its my view on UO.

Whats everyone else think about both style of Events????

Below is a list of Global and EM Event items given out so far this season.

Beleth of Atlantic

If the stats on the items are not overpowered (not above what is currently available to all) and it is just a decoration I see no reason to complain.

If everyone gets one of everything their is no real desire to own said item.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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The thing to bear in mind is, developers and event moderators do not put a value on anything. They're pixels, they have no value. Only players can set values on anything, and those values can be pretty ridiculous.


I do not like the fact that some shards give out unique items to players while other shards do not..this seems a little unfair to me..no attack whatsoever on any EM intended...its my view on UO.
A suggestion for you, sir! Why don't you go and attend the events on a shard where the EMs make a point of giving out items, as well as going to yours without expecting items, rather than crying foul when yours don't run events the way you want them to? Everybody wins!

Old Man of UO

... I love the new EM events too.. great new interaction with the EMs with new storylines to follow. I do not like the fact that some shards give out unique items to players while other shards do not..this seems a little unfair to me..no attack whatsoever on any EM intended...its my view on UO...
I see no problem at all with EM's creating unique items for their events, as long as they don't get over powering properties. I like Siyeng0's suggestion, attend those on other shards and get your own.


Always Present
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why would i want to play another shard with a noob stat char??

indeed how would i find extra time to play another shard???

hell!!! i aint got enough spare time away from work to play my own shard never mind multiple shards.... thats plain silly.

my own thoughts.....
I prefer the global events . I love the effort the EMs put into the game too they are doing a great job ...a quite simple solution, make items' no trade no drop'.... then the peeps getting them can treasure them for themselves on there own shard and there is no value added for the 24/7 gang.


why would i want to play another shard with a noob stat char??
indeed how would i find extra time to play another shard???
hell!!! i aint got enough spare time away from work to play my own shard never mind multiple shards.... thats plain silly.
Then get a transfer token, pack up and move. It's not as if you're in Australia; there's plenty of shards up around the Northern Hemisphere, and the ping wouldn't be so bad. Hell, I am in Australia and I brave the lag to Baja just to roleplay, and I can even take part in events.

If you're not happy with what your EM is doing, go to another shard where the EM's doing what you'd like them to. Simple.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: No trade/no drop . ..

How would someone put it down in their house for display? I don't want my pack filled up with a bunch of crap. Oh wait, maybe I do, then I'll never be able to loot at a champ spawn. . . Great idea! :thumbsup:

What shard do you play on that you aren't happy with what the EM's are doing? If you have an EM problem then send in feedback, but otherwise, quit trying to screw up what the majority of everyone else is happy with on their own shards. :talktothehand:


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Kid!! you are not getting the point of the post..



I want to get a feel in general of how ''everyone'' feels about ''both'' style events.

Hell keep ya crappy event items....Hord em till they bulge out ya bankboxes on every shard you can play in 24/7 ...Hell EVEN sell em to other players for millos/millos if there daft enough to buy em!!

Plz read the point of the post...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...a quite simple solution, make items' no trade no drop'.... then the peeps getting them can treasure them for themselves on there own shard and there is no value added for the 24/7 gang.

Then why do you keep bringing this up? ^^

And I'm no kid, please don't insult me. I'd like to be. . .but I'm not.

If you want to find out how people feel about the events, then leave out your "solutions" as they are not pertinent to the discussion. It's apparent that you think everyone should get the same of everything, and the last time a bunch of people came on here screaming that they didn't get something we got a "Policy." I don't want to see anymore "policies" on my shard as it just causes problems.

So, your post should have just said, "I like all the events, how about you?"

Old Man of UO

... you are not getting the point of the post..




Plz read the point of the post...
You are not doing a very good job of explaining your point then. All I am taking away from your post is:
1) You don't get the same rewards as everyone else on other shards,
2) You like complaining about EM events (based on multiple posts about EMs)
3) You like to complain :D


Personally I like the variety between shards.

It shows that the EMs are each developing their own ideas and putting them into action. Hopefully they're responding (within reason) to the wants of their individual audiences.

How dull things would be if everything was homogenised and we all just went through the same motions, shard after shard. Sure, global events by necessity are similar, but even those play out a little differently in the detail.

As for the rewards, whatever fits the situation. Some events have a take-home memento, some a public trophy, some nothing. I've had my name on a public reward, and scored an item. It's a nice bonus but it's not a requirement. I'm just enjoying taking part in the EM events as it's usually a surprise as there's no spoilers on shard forums or in patch notes.


I also like shard specific EM event's, storyline and player/npc arcs.. Baja is in the thick of our own right now! I think shard specific items are a great thing. A sense of history and uniqueness to each shard.

Global events are also a good time investor..like ToT marties? Farm Tok for the next 5 days, Like invasion forces, get ready they are coming. Just want to pvp, hey step through a red gate. Want to get those ML reags to finish off your Darkwood suit.. hey get the keys and do some peerless.

The name of the game is diversity! Enjoy it!

** I just have heartburn when rares collectors who don't live on the shards come to events, just to take an EM event item off shard for some private collection****


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Diversity is why UO is so great...is why UO wil always be great.

1. Global events on europa are always well attended and great fun for the duration...as u can take part or not as u so wish.

2.Yah on Europa theres a huge EM Storyline to follow...great fun for everyone with the time .....and our player EMs sometimes names an item with the winners name on and they get displayed in the EM office or rewards hall, which is great for gloating as a europa player!! also stops the non-europa players coming to our events just to collect event items for resale on there shards.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Oh and kiddies keep firing ya silly comments all ya like- im made of steel!!

...and while ya pathetically slate me u aint slating someone else.!!!

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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the fact that there are no more shard specific items from EM events...pretty much killed it for me and alot of people i know...
lol and no its not because they want to sell them for millions! lmao
hell i was just as happy when i didnt get a damn thing and someone else did..


I don't think we got an EM at Balhae if ever I have never heard of him.If ever I have to seek him out first.

Why Balhae doesn't even have an option to search goods on vendors at Search UO.

To the OP if you got an EM sponsored event going on your shard whatever it is then you can start counting your blessings.

I like the Pioneer feel tho' few people no drama, few talkers everybody minding their own business if you die in the dungeons and don't have the gift of life or sacrifice you are on your own hehe nice eh?


Tina Small

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I've generally enjoyed the "global" events in the last year, although I have put very little time into the ToT III event so far because it begins to feel too much like a job after a while and the drop rate's been unspectacular. Haven't run into any rude people so far, but then I'm probably going to all the wrong places with all the wrong types of characters and no one could possibly consider my characters a threat to their drop rate!

As far as the EM events go, I can't say much. I tried going to a couple of them but at this point I feel very out of the loop with regard to the story line on any of the shards where I play regularly. There's also been such a strong backlash against "strangers" showing up, that sometimes that also makes me very reluctant to just go and try to have a good time. I'm not a very competitive person and I usually enjoy most just watching the proceedings and giving a hand with rezzes and heals and seeing what's going on with the story. However, I'm not keen on the idea of going to something and having the locals decide that no matter what I'm actually doing at the event, I'm an outsider who doesn't deserve to be there and therefore it is okay to lure a bunch of junk on me, refuse to rez my characters, and/or be ignored by the EM. Even though I've played on GL for almost five years and Baja for four years, the guilds most of my characters are in on those shards are all but dormant. And on the other shards where I play with some regularity (Sonoma, LA, Legends, Origin, Atlantic, LS, Pacific, Napa, Europa), the only people I really know or do much with are four guildmates, and we are seldom all on together at the same time until late night/early morning. The EMs pick some funny times for events, but haven't seen anything yet scheduled for real night owls.

From what I have read, it does look like some of the EMs have done an outstanding job of listening to the folks on the shards where they serve and have been collaborating with them to come up with some interesting and fun events. On other shards (e.g., Lake Austin), it "feels" as if EM events haven't progressed a lot further than "meet and greet" and a few random and widely spaced events.

I don't have anyone but myself to blame for not attending more EM events. I've got characters in enough places I probably could find something somewhere that fits my schedule. I guess the fact that I haven't bothered really comes down to not feeling a strong connection to any particular shard anymore and having no interest in collecting EM-created items. Kind of hard to justify collecting that stuff and then putting it out for display in a house you share with four other people and that's always short on storage and there's no real point in just shoving it in a bank box.

Mr. Gnome

I liked how the Atlantic EM Event, Tome of Love, was set up, but very very disappointed in how it was handled.

It was really cool in the fact the you did not have to be there at the time the event started. It was just used to present the rules. The NPCs and other items were already scattered throughout the land and remained there for several weeks. You had to go around, collect clues, and enter passages in a book in the correct order. This worked perfectly for me because I have work at peak players times, and can never make a regularly scheduled event.

... and that was why I was very disappointed on how it was handled.

At the end of a few weeks they had two turn in times scheduled, and I was shocked to find out that I could actually make the first one! It started at 4pm and I had work at 6pm, so I figured I'd be fine. WRONG!

I'd say 100+ people showed up, it was absolute chaos, and they were randomly selecting someone every few mins to present the EM their book while they were asked a questiom about the event.

After an hour went by, I started to ask if I can be picked to hand in my book as I had work. I started to spam it when I had 30 mins left. I didn't get picked.

The next turn in time was the next day at a different time, and I was working throughout the whole time. I found the EM about a week later and told her my story and received a "too bad so sad" answer.


This is what I think these events need:
More order, control, and a more efficient way of executing the event. If they had that, perhaps I could've finished the event.

Also, at the time of the turn in, the EM placed down a book with the correct passages and order. So the people who spent lots of time OVER SEVERAL WEEKS trying the figure the event out did so in vein. People who took no part in the event could easily copy the book, BS the EMs questions, and get their reward.


I personally love the events our EMs are coming up with. These are some of the most original events I have seen in a while.
The event Items are some of the funnest I have seen. A neverending pie that can be thrown at other players......absolutely hilarious! I like the sashes, but that is just generic to me.
Pies, Rum... now those are some original event items and a momento of a great time spent with the community of my shard. To me that is priceless.
Just when I am about bored to tears with the same old same, our EMs come up with a event that breaths life back into a game I have loved since the beginning.
Hope everyone else takes into consideration the work that goes into coming up with these events, and is having a great time with the events.
If not, maybe its time to try Legends and give a real community a try. :D

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Kid!! you are not getting the point of the post..



I want to get a feel in general of how ''everyone'' feels about ''both'' style events.

Hell keep ya crappy event items....Hord em till they bulge out ya bankboxes on every shard you can play in 24/7 ...Hell EVEN sell em to other players for millos/millos if there daft enough to buy em!!

Plz read the point of the post...
I think I know what you are saying, If a Em makes unique items for an event for a shard he is on. The other Ems should use those unique items in events on other shards that they are on. So that players on other shards have a chance to also require such items.