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So......What Ya Gonna Get?

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Now that we've gotten the info on the first round of turn ins, and had the point adjustments and all, everyone's had time to go through their stash and decide what they're going to be getting from the list.

For me, I believe I've got enough in Berserker Scythes to get a complete set of the armor. With all the shields, swords, rubble, and Ophid rations, I should also have plenty to get several pairs of the boots and earrings.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I need some earrings for my humans , 3 or 4 i think and i need one pair of green snake boots for my Nox Necro Mage Poisoner! He likes green stuff!

And atleast 1 full set of armor.


Nothing. I don't have a single turn in item on any toon on any shard...lol. Stupid pixels...la


Well I wish I could get a complete set of armor, with both tunics. But i'm gonna have to go kill and hunt alot of stuff to be able to do that. I'm thinking I'll save all my current trade ins, just to be able to try for the armor. And buy everything else off player vendors. But I do want a couple pairs of boots, ear rings, and a neon orange guard sash, oh and a mouse statue.


I think its a testament to what at utter nerd I am that I already crunched all the numbers in Excel and decided, to the point, what I'm gonna end up with in rewards points.

I am certainly going to get 2 pairs of the nocturne earrings for use with my primary characters.

I will buy each of the shirts, just for posterity.

I will get a single piece of the Knight Armor. Which, I'm not sure.

I will get one pair of snakeskin boots. I really don't like the idea of my character wearing something so tacky, but I AM at 69 Poison Resist. Might as well.

A Sherry Statue, if nothing else to keep a live feed to the Cryer in my tower.

So, that about eats up my 150,000 points. I may throw some more of my reserves onto the fire and get an RBG sash, but I really dont see the appeal of that item at all.

What I am NOT gonna do is trade in my Ophidian Rations. I still am very unhappy about the low rate for these items, and figure the most sensible way to show my displeasure is just to boycott that item.


well i already desided that while i considered myself a pack rat the collection did not. i will not even be albe to get half what want . at least since know no way to get a full suit of armor I can discount those 700000 points set with a male and female armor .

imported_lord richard

I didn't need anything but my fingers and toes to count mine up.............wait, I think I see a container with some stuff in it...hehe..check back a lil later..this may take some time to calculate out.


I'm getting nothing, I'll keep my stuff until there is something worth getting that any of my characters can actually use.


I'll certainly get the boots and earrings. No more nightsight troubles at last.

And I'll get also get sherry.

Not sure about the armors or sash. Maybe.

The shirt is the last considered.


Earrings ... I have one character could use them. Maybe Sherry the Mouse, maybe hold off until the next round to see what that brings.

Anything that does not go in this or the next round gets scrapped - either smelted or if unsmeltable, trash barrel. I need the lockdowns ... and my armor drop stash is getting worked over tonight with jewels next.


Im going to sell my stuff mostly to make gold.
I might grab a statue, female armour, and some boots.

I predict the boots are going to get a buff.

As a merchant. I sell now and buy later.

But... mostly Im not really impressed by the rewards.
Id rather keep my 10 gold sovriegns.

To each his own.

Cursed arties sell well in luna right now. If your a merchant, you might want to sell.


Well I finally have a use for the 300+ Gold Sovereign's I have sitting around.
I remeber trying to sell those for 500GP. And no one bought them.
Also I can get rid of 500+ rubble pieces..
And a few other pixel items I have sitting around..

To bad Mr D. could not add BOD's to the chart.
Small BOD.................100 points
Large BOD.................500 points
I would be able to clean out almost all of my house getting rid of the useless one's.


Well, I think I'll grab a white sash for my hometown of Skara Brae, a mouse statue, one "Magincia Pride" shirt, and one "Shadowlords are #1 shirt.


If I can scrape up enough points id like Sherry the Mouse. I think the earings would be nice to go with my virtue set, but I like the Statue more.




Nothing. I don't have a single turn in item on any toon on any shard...lol. Stupid pixels...la

[/ QUOTE ]

What? You didn't steal any?

[/ QUOTE ]

I gave up after the dumb coin drop. First of all, on Siege, only faction players had access to the Castle so I hung out at the brit bank waiting for the faction players to bank their loot, then I get a message that the items can't be stolen? WTH?

Thieves nerfed again. Go figure...la


Shirt, umm no thks. Earrings, umm no, i have ear rings of invisability with 89 charges on them, and others totaling 70 charges. Scroll, heheh yea right.

I added stuff up, and i now have enought points for 1/2 of a mouse. If i turn in any of my cursed artys, or power/vanquishing weapons, i could get the other half mouse....undecided at this time. I could just use tokuno white, and make my own white knight armor for a lot less than the turn in points would cost me...


A suit of armor. Statue. Some earrings. Couple boots. Hang ricardo shirt



Hang ricardo shirt

[/ QUOTE ]

HEY!!! Stop Griefing me...la




Hang ricardo shirt

[/ QUOTE ]

HEY!!! Stop Griefing me...la

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha...you wouldn't deny me my playstyle would ya?



Well, I think I'll grab a white sash for my hometown of Skara Brae, a mouse statue, one "Magincia Pride" shirt, and one "Shadowlords are #1 shirt.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm actually a bit upset that they added the sashes in. My RBG sash is the one true rare I own.





Hang ricardo shirt

[/ QUOTE ]

HEY!!! Stop Griefing me...la

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha...you wouldn't deny me my playstyle would ya?

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not? Mine has been denied for years. Join the party...la


I'm getting an upgraded gaming computer and start trying new games.


Sherry statue!
I can't wait, heehee!

I also want a "Magincia Pride" shirt; I like the idea so much, I'm tempted to take a screenshot of Magincia from one of the old games and have a real shirt made. I work with gamer geeks, so they'd actually even get the joke.

I'm torn on the earrings; not sure I need them, since my one human character has night sight on her armor, but on the other hand, if I find a better piece of armor for her, then I won't need to worry whether it's got night sight... tempting.

Same goes for the snakeskin boots; don't really need them, but the resist is appealing and it might come in handy with some future armor rearranging. Decisions, decisions!

Of course I'd love a set of armor, although I don't believe I'll have enough points to get the whole set. So the question then is which pieces, and whether to go with the female or male breastplate.

Gaaahhh, I want the turn-in to start now!

imported_Lord GOD(GOD)

Well, ALL the stuff I want comes to 635,000 pts, I have 369,950 pts if I hand in absoloutely EVERYTHING (including pyros staffs that I use etc), or 333,950 pts if I hand in everything minus set of coins stuff I use etc.

The bulk of it being 600k for the knights armor which I can't get (&amp; see no point getting 1-3 pieces)... sooo I can turn in fairly little to get the few items I can actually afford, earrings/boots/mouse statue I can get with just plane items/rations... I could actually get all 3 just with rations as I hoarded hundreds of em killing off the last fel node on Atlantic. (so should have got something for that!)


Guys I must be blind as a mouse because I can't see the points list anywhere. Anyone point me in the right direction....


I'm not really a horder, I get a couple of the items that I would like and I feel satiated. I'd avoid picking up rubble if I already had it. I stopped trying for Pyros and Vorpals once I got a couple. I've yet to get a Scythe and only gotten a couple cursed.

If I turn in some of my less usefull (Power-Mystic) weapons and some of my unusable double rubble, then I'll probably be able to afford the Mouse Statue. I would like a suit of course, but 'oh well' on that one!


With the selection of rewards they have so far?....absolutely nothing....the ophid items and such make far better deco than the new items...if the next round actually include something useful...but not unbalancing...like a metal dye tub...or something for RP other than the already used RBG sashes...that people have actually been asking for...then I'll run right over and trade stuff in...as for right now I wouldn't even waste my time...I was pretty happy with what the dev's have been doing lately until I saw those T-shirts and that mouse statue....



A suit of armor, a few pairs of boots, a statue, and probably a pair or two of earrings.

Not sure if I'm going to spend the full million points for a COMPLETE set of armor though... at least not yet.

Though whether I use the armor or not, it would go well with my other sets (Ranger and Virtue) just to have them (No, I don't have Phoenix... hardly anyone chose that during the first Clean Up Britannia).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I can get one of everything, but I dont think Im going to get anything. I dont like, want or need the rewards. If we can use dye on the earrings then I will get 12 but I dont think we can, so nothing for me.


1) Full set of armor (Close helm)
2) Earring
3) Boots
4) Sherry
5) One of each sash


Crunched numbers over and over..... I can turn in some cursed arties... got a few other things.... sad that the shield and swords aren't worth squat.... so I think I'll likely end up with a sherry mouse.... a pair of earrings.... and maybe a pair of boots... If I can bear to part with stuff... I don't know I'm a pretty bad pack rat.... hard to part with my junk

prison bound

i raked in the cursed arties and have about 350, in addition to swords/shields, ophid items, and [censored]-tons of rat coins. im definitely going to get a (10 piece) full set of the knights armor. i will have enough for some shirts and sandals, maybe sashes but who knows


Nothing probably. I'm not terribly interested in any of the items. Id like the mouse statues, but I doubt I have 30k worth of crap to turn in and I just don't care enough to farm for more.