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SO!!! What happened to Casca?



I was unable to make the event and was wondering what went down?
Was a news reporter there?


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All I know is I got up (early) logged on to see Casca face planted in his courtyard..... Looks like the natives were a lil restless :fight:

Lady Mana

I can't speak for the others, but sadly I wasn't there... been down with the flu but still had to attend an outside obligation... *miserable*

However, since I was kind of expecting this, I did go to another shards' event. So I know what happened (assuming they're all the same, which I think they are). Here's what happened! Basically, Casca confronted Dawn and demanded to get the Ruby Gem that she took when we all went to kill the Shadowlords last week. Dawn smashed it, and Casca died. I assume he was like a puppet, and the last remaining remnant of the Shadowlords' will was to acquire the gem: when that was hopeless, Casca had nothing left to drive him. So he died!

And that's why Casca is having a dirt nap right now *grins*

*goes to fetch herself some lemon ginger tea*


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lady Mana pretty well summed it up. Oh, and on our shard Dawn says she isnt Queen (even tho it was announced on the Herald.)

Salya Sin

The way I understood it was Casca's soul/spirit/life was connected with the Gem and when it was destroyed, he too was destroyed. :)

For anyone who missed it...



I will, add aloud voice to the call for dawn as queen, at least she never feared the battle field.:)