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So how do you page on hidden tamers?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because I got my mempo, I don't need to spend all my time grinding away, and now I can focus on getting people (possibly) punished :D

wee papa smurf

lol, well i dunno if theres a way you can page on someone hidden, im not sure if you could get them on tracking in tram, but if you could then atleast you would have there name :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And what will you say in your page to the GM? That the tamer is hidden whilst his pet kills? Its not illegal in any way, shape or form.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about paging on the pet? If you select the pet as physical/verbal harrasment, surely they can target the player.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they're AFK, then yeah, it kinda is. And they were for sure. I attacked every horde minion in the room that this Cu was in, and just let them attack me for a few minutes without killing them. I was never told to stop. Cu just stood there waiting.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh just get out. Anyone with common sense would figure out what I'm talking about.
No need to get all arsey just because you worded your thread badly. It doesnt take much to word it right ... anyone with common sense could do it.:D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To answer your question without posting judgements:

Use skill: Tracking. If no player characters show up, try tracking animals.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No need to get all arsey just because you worded your thread badly. It doesnt take much to word it right ... anyone with common sense could do it.:D
Well it's mentioned now, problem solved.


You can try "other" and send location/ pet name. The trouble is, when I tired, at 24 in the queue our GM couldn't get there within the two hours it took for the absent owner to return. Good luck.

5% Luck

Now I was under the assumption that if you do not actively command a pet after 2 mins the flag wears off (green-blue if in a guild) and the pet no longer credits the tamer.

That is just dumb if that went back the way it was.

Foolio the Bard

I'm playing my stealth tamer right now. Some idiot melee player with his 2-day old character comes up and starts killing the spawn. So after about 90 seconds I show and start commanding the dragon and firing a spell at the same time to get looting rights. He goes "I thought you were afk!!!"
I told him "you didn't ask...you didnt even say hello. if you woulda asked I woulda let you have the spawn"
I ALWAYS do. Instead he barged in like a griefer without saying a word. And so I drove him out. Was funny though for 5 mins watching him try to beat my spell and dragon for looting rights.

Stealth Tamer is a template people. Stop assuming hiding = afk.

Edit: seriously, you'd be SURPRISED how far saying "Hello, I was wondering if I could kill the monsters here for awhile, please?" will get you.


I noticed in the Fan Dancer Dojo, Succubi' damaging area of effect aura seems to reveal hidden players 9/10 if theres any in the vicinty of a fight.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stealth tamer is a pretty gimpy template and you should feel ashamed for playing it to be honest.

Foolio the Bard

Stealth tamer is a pretty gimpy template and you should feel ashamed for playing it to be honest.
It farms ToTs like a motherf***** which is the point of the ToT event: to get more drops. I suppose I could play something else that farmed slower and be more "honorable" in your eyes... nah. I could care less what you think. :)

BTW- how is your "Player-Cop" template?


Ive had my hidden tamer in use since the beginning of this event, and have had multiple people page on me...........

I am still here, and have yet had to talk to a GM.

So please, waste your time some more, while I kill creatures whilst I sleep. :sleep2:

P.s Im on mempo #10

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they're AFK, then yeah, it kinda is. And they were for sure. I attacked every horde minion in the room that this Cu was in, and just let them attack me for a few minutes without killing them. I was never told to stop. Cu just stood there waiting.
Ok, so you had an experience, and now, you want to be vindictive and spiteful.....prove every tamer you don't see is away from keyboard, that's a start.

I can say every clown I see farming for hours on end is afk....I don't have time for such trivialities like some people do, or want to.:coco:



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If they're AFK, then yeah, it kinda is. And they were for sure. I attacked every horde minion in the room that this Cu was in, and just let them attack me for a few minutes without killing them. I was never told to stop. Cu just stood there waiting.
That happens to me and you can do that all you want. Eventually you will get bored and my CU will go back to work. No need for me to try to get into an arguement with you. Go ahead and page. If a GM ever comes I'm right here watching and I'll tell him about how you are harassing me. That's the beauty of two computers next to each other.

What a fun 'event' this is no? Hidden tamer for the win. Don't hate the player - hate the game.


its a multiple step process

First is the tamer afk...
1. hello are you there sir/ mame...?
2. hello just wondering are you there and can i share the spawn?
3. Hello just let me know are you there if you want me to lave i will do so?
4 Sir / mame I am just looking to get me a share of the drops, do you mind responding?

at this point you have several option
1. find another spot
2. just start killing spawn
3. report them on help menu state location time and pets name. this will que you and resolution will be swiftly forthcomming , by weeks end.
4. or you can report them to local authorities. that being the reginal keeper of the peace. the area i go to that happens to be the local enforcer.
I contact the local enforcer a yamadon and point out where the unattended tamer is and he delivers swift action.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've been seeing this happen a lot as well as people flat out leaving their pets in the dungeon to attack and coming back to heal every now and again. It's rather annoying. And while you guys may defend yourselves about not being afk, it seems rather talentless to have something else do the killing while other players are actually working for their drops.