Can we try to not make assumptions about people, here? Fact is, I have a hard time killing a regular dragon alone, without some fancy footwork, so that snide comment was unnecessary.
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It was not a snide comment actually, just a comment about spawns in general.
Some of us feel that champ spawns (and some spawns in general) are far too weak. When a group of 4 can blast through all but oaks with little to no effort, the system might be a little weak. Heck, I'm not sure about now, with the champ changes), but most spawns could be done by 1 or two people.
And yes, this means the super dragons will be too much for some, possibly many people. I personally have no issue with this, hunt with a friend (or 4), or book it when a dragon half lifes you, and move onto easier prey.
As far as I'm concerned, any moderate difficulty spawn, and higher, should only be 'safe' if you're there with friends. (Note the plural) It seems many mobs have turned into nothing but punching bags.
ALTHOUGH, increased diffculty should be taken into account with insurance, it can cost pretty penny, and while getting waylaid by a mob on roids could be considered challanging, being charged 10+k for experiance seems a little.. frustrating over and above what's needed.
I'd say jack ALL mobs to be able to spawn 'supers', then drop insurance costs to PVP (300) or even less.
Death shouldn't be avoid cause it emptys your bank, if should be avoided because you just don't want to die!