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SnA Auction Tonight!!!

  • Thread starter Malas Auctions
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Malas Auctions

Still accepting a few items for auction tonight, spots are filling up fast so if you have items to turn in please get them to Frisky or Feisty ASAP. We will stop taking items when the boxes are full or 6pm est, which ever comes first .

Auction starts at 7pm EST. Gates will be provided at Luna through out the night as well as runes being dropped.

Auction list is up!!!

1. 60k arrows
2. 4 rubble pieces
3. 7 multi color levers
4. thief sot's
5. tangle
6. holiday event bear
7. block and tackle
8. iron maiden [non deed]
9. vet statue set
10. green dawns spyglass
11. 25 stat
12. gargish statue
13. folded steel glasses
14. rubble plant
15. ore cart
16. 5 cold necro shroud
17. 3 hp robe
18. soles of providence
19. double blessed sandals
20. 4 deco skulls
21. sea serp armor
22. bronze chest/hammer
23. ancient mummy wrap
24. transfer token
25. Tokuno dyes
26. bod book [spined]
27. spellweaving scrolls
28. 5 cold necro shroud
29. daemon bone armor
30. 30 waterstained sos
31. double exceptional armor
32. 3 set of ranger armor
33. multi color fish nets
34. grave stones
35. aos clothing
36. iron maiden [non deed]
37. easter basket/items
38. hooded robe of umbra
39. bronze robe/cloak
40. darkwood set
41. ethy ki-rin
42. grave stones
43. bloodwood spirit
44. blue crystal
45. arcane shield
46. hooded shroud of shadows
47. lucky mempo
48. a faction robe [sigil color]
49. sigil armor/book