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Smiths cant have iron beetles?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i wondered down into the underworld and tamed up one of those iron beetles, thought it might be nice for my miner to have.

dont know what they do if anything, but i had nothing else to do.

got back home and went to hand it too him and he cant accept it cause it wont listen too him..... cause he has no taming.

that caught me off guard..... what use does a tamer have for a iron beetle?
isnt that more of a miner/mule kinda thing?


I Hate Skilling
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They eat along the mountain and turn the color of the ore at that spot.

They really dont help ant character.

You could wear taming jewelry...


Crazed Zealot
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I believe some one said the Beetle has a To Tame of 95 and it sticks vs how the Giant and Fire Beetle work. If that is true your zero taming miner has no chance of ever having it. I never droped my taming during Open Beta so I am relying on 3rd party information.

I know that during Open Beta, they would mine and drop ore. I have no clue as to the cycle, how long, if it was intended (seeing as to how a context menu appeared to be disabled except to mine) but they certainly did drop ore on the ground.

I do believe, unless it has changed, that it is probably the best warrior of the 3 Beetles.


Grand Inquisitor
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Friend bought to 33 on each (tame/Lore), ringed up another 15 in each, still could not accept the iron beetle from the tamer (was a 120 Tamer too trying to hand it off) Sucks IMO honestly to have to add another skill to already cramped toons as crafters


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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well ya.

a fella would think that a beetle would be in the same family as the other 2 beetles we currentlly have.

and why would my tamer need a iron beetle that mines.
that what my MULE needs.



It's more than likely that they're not supposed to be for mules.
So, they mined ore during the beta, this is true. But, didn't the devs point out this was "not working as intended"?

Seems to me like the mining was probably a side effect of "tasting" the ore in a location, with the only way of doing that probably being to execute some derivative of the mining code. Maybe bug gets a full "pack", or doesn't have one at all, and drops the ore.

Completely unsubstantiated theory I have for the beetles, is that their stats should be "enhanced" by the ore they eat. Like enhancing items with metal, the metal the beetle eats enhances it.
Seems like an interesting concept to me, anyway.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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i would have prefered a iron armored beetle for my mule.


Seasoned Veteran
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Well if your a miner,why would you need to have something else mine ore for you?

Im not even sure what it does exactly with all these conflicting post.
Is it supposed to mine or or not?

Lord Frodo

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During beta did anyone have one of these bond and then give the drop command to it. Maybe they eat ore and when full they drop it on the ground. See what it drops when you give it the drop command and then take it out again and when it drops ore give it a drop loot command and see what happens. As it mines it might learn mining so would get better ore as it learns. Who knows.


Crazed Zealot
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Kiminality is right as far as I recall, there were quotes, not that I read them directly saying that the Dev's had said the Beetles were not working as intended.

During the Open Beta, there was a context menu that allowed setting Mining, Rocks, etc. Everything was disabled except the mining.

I thought some one said the Drop command had been removed from the Pet Lexicon so I never did try that, good thinking though and a few have speculated that like all the other SA Tames, the Beetle may be reset back to ground zero as far as knowing how to mine.

But if the tame is a 95, and I can not easily see how it could have been during Open Beta, then other than yet another offensive/defensive pet, I do not really understand the point of it. I trained the pet up on the Shadow Ore Elemental and it did make a very good killing machine, nothing to write home about though. I was hoping that while it did that, it might learn more about mining.

I never saw it drop anything other than Iron Ore.

Lord Frodo

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How many slots does it take? If 3 then tamer takes it with a Bake or Mare and if it can be trained to mine then take it to fel. LOL I can already hear to whining.