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small bug

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
if you enhance a weapon thats 70 fire dam with bronze it become 100 fire and become bright orange but when doing a whip it does not become bright. just letting people know, not a must fix. i almost got rid of it lol.

this weapon was enhance to 100 but looks like a 70 fire dam 1614965319165.png

if you make out right 100 fire looks like this 1614965379454.png

all other weapons will become bright orange when enhanced except whip
if people see the dull orange on vender, will probably think its not 100 fire


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I'm thinking there is something else that doesn't update like that as well but I can't recall what at the moment... as someone who has a massive 100% collection ... the color is important...