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Slow connection and have tried many things to fix....



But still not working
The following may help some:


Make sure you have the latest correct driver for your NIC. If the NIC is integrated the driver should be from your PC (or motherboard) manufacturer's web site. If you already have the latest driver use Device Manager to uninstall it; reboot and let Windows discover the adapter and reinstall the driver.

(From a JohnWill post)

TCP/IP stack repair options for use with Vista and 7.

Start, Programs\Accessories and right click on Command Prompt, select "Run as Administrator" to open a command prompt.

Reset WINSOCK entries to installation defaults: netsh winsock reset catalog

Reset IPv4 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log

Reset IPv6 TCP/IP stack to installation defaults. netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log

Reboot the machine.

I would only do this as a last resort personally. The netsh parameters are easy enough to alter
Also to reset all tcp values to installation defaults use

netsh int tcp reset reset.log

the reset.log will dump the results of the command to the file reset.log so you can view at a later time. This can also be something like c:\temp\reset.log if you wish to have a full path to the file....