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Slime Dyed Necromancer Blue Robes

  • Thread starter Old Macdonald
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Old Macdonald

Notice anything wearing these? There sure are a lot of them and they sure do have a lot of Rares!

Must have been dificult to fit 200 people on a max vendor lot of 50/50!

Was traveling the "Luna-Loop" and noticed an abundance of these Slime Dyed Necromancer Blue Robes on different lots all over town!


I like how a lot of the luna vendors have common items marked as rares for 10mil etc...

I do want one of those yellow with a blue tinge robes or even just the cloth to make them.
saw a pile of 10 cloth for 69mil.. wow.

The color I'm speaking about, is not from the slime dyed event or stuff is it? Anyone know where it's from?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
its the new europa gold suppose, id also like to thank the lag for coming out as well