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Sleuths Find Signs of Algenon and Take Action...

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Posted with permission from the author Shadow Riter

Daniel had asked us all to keep a look out for any signs of Algenon and report back to him. I had searched many towns and asked many Inn Keepers but found nothing. I was just going into another tavern in Brit when Queen Elf Sandy came running up to me.

“Come see! “ She uttered slightly out of breath. “I have found something. Maybe it is what Daniel needs to know?”

“No. Let’s get Daniel. I think he is in Serpents hold.”

And so it was that we arrived in the Guard Hall. Jocelyn Forrest and Queen Mum were already there talking to Daniel. Queen Mum was telling him about Natasha when we interrupted.

“I would like to see these glasses and things of which you speak. Lead us to them.” Nodded Daniel

We took a gate to the Brit farm and head toward the Royal Guard fortification which ran through the hills. Elf Sandy pointed “it at the Brit barricade” and we marched on.

“Oh no! It is raining” noticed Jocelyn. “And look at all the crows!”

“We must continue.” urged Daniel. “The crows could be a bad omen” The group all nodded.

“Aye, we are near” Queen Mum pointed to a small object on the ground. It had a shiny surface from the wet.

Daniel walked up to it and inspected the object. He took his finger and gently passed it across lens. “They are broken but do look like Algenon’s glasses.”

Forrest drew our attention to an empty potion bottle. It had ash residue on it. “Maybe from the pet bottle stuff” He ventured.

Daniel Ravens wondered aloud. “Have you ever seen ash residue before?”

Queen elf sandy was excited. Her diligent searching had provided clues. “and down here look! A journal.”

Looks like it might have fallen out of someone’s pocket. Pocket change. Oh the book is in Algenon’s hand and is in code. I will copy it so we can all work on it. Have you seen any other signs?”

We all shook our heads no. Daniel frowned and did not look pleased. “I looked in Ter Mur after Amonos told me about Natasha. I thought we should investigate. Let’s go see.”

Jocelyn was enthusiastic when she replied “might as well!”

We started at the warehouse near the dock where we had first seen Natasha. We inspected the area and found several signs of Alchemy. Daniel picked up the evidence promising to bring it to his study. “I have never seen this type of potion before”

Cuttles told Amonos how rude she thought Natasha had been. She did not seem to care that an old man needed help. Forrest pointed out that she had been drunk as well. And Jocelyn comment about how nasty she was.

Daniel’s nose flared. “She trained for a while with the shadow lord. That is how I know her. I care little for my brethren in the shadow. This one is like many. She delights in others misfortune”

We followed the road a while when we were attacked by large wolves. The leather wolf howls for help and more attacked us. I hoped they were not rabid as one bit right through my leather bracer. Crixus was also being mauled by them. I could see he was bleeding profusely. Fortunately Queen Mum had brought her pink bag of medical supplies.

Once we got by the wolves we found a clearing with a hut. There was much water around it. Daniel pointed out that Algenon was fascinated with water lately. He thought we should search the hut in case it was where he was hiding. We snuck into the dwelling to find several cots. This place was being used by many not just one person. The back pack we found was locked and none of us had the skill to open it. Jocelyn was looking for articles of clothing and food crumbs when she found a mostly empty bottle. Queen Mum pointed out a mortar and pestle. Daniel sniffed and commented on the unusual bouquet. It was almost fermented. Cuttles and Jocelyn wondered if the fragrance was Absinthe as they found the aroma liquorish like, perhaps anise. Crixus was about to taste the potion when Daniel snatched it from him. “We have never encountered a potion that smells like this. Best we do not risk getting ill.”

Daniel suggested that we keep our eyes on this hideout. He said the neat hut could be where the master gave lessons to his prodigies. Nothing was definite. It needed more investigating.

Behind the hut we found a small reef in the water. An agile man could hop across the stones to reach it. We all tried and landed in the middle. It was deserted. A cool breeze refreshed our faces. Looking out the world looked full of beauty. I could see why someone might want to be a recluse on this little key.

It was getting late so we all agreed to try to decipher Algenon’s book and meet back.
*Thursday, October 27th

~Shadow Riter