We've been doing it alot the last couple of night.. 2 archers and a dexer. Demon slayers.. bring lots of pots and apples.. he loves to cast on you. Keep him in the gazebo on the bridge, use either exit to run out of eye sight and heal up.
Last night we had 2 archers, dexer, necro mage.. went down just as fast.
And oh.. the archer with just a plain demon slayer bow (the old dark grey one) did far better damage then the Night Reaper X-bow. 2 nights in a row got the artie drop the other archer got nada.
I'm the dexer hitting him for 150 per hit with my exiler, wrath of dryad staff for mana. Went through about 25 of each pot, and about 10 apples. About 300 aids per instance.
The new spawn pops immediately when the old one is dead.. so someone has to lure it off in order for peeps to loot.