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Slasher of Veils.... any tactics/stories?

  • Thread starter Prince Caspian
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1

Prince Caspian

So its a matter of time before the ol' guild wants to go Slash the Slasher... got any stories / tactics that might help prepare me?

Lady Lava

UO Senior News Reporter
My guild has told me greater drags are useless. Cus are ok for tamers. He really hates cold.
It took 7 of them to kill it. They tried with 4 and later with 5 with no luck.


Just for the record.. He one hits EVs lol!!! I was bored.. and Solo.. :)

Lord Drakelord

My main account does not have access yet, funds are tight, I hope to have access next month. I did see this when I was scouting the Abyss on our crafter account, used a peace tamer on a dread. It ate the tamer and dread in one bite :) Did not even try to go back to get the body.


Bring a bard and disco him. Makes life for everyone a lot easier.
And a small group of archers are doing very nicely here - they do the damage while the bard keeps the slasher discoed and helps healing/cureing the front line troops...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I helped kill a few on Europa 2 days ago, We did start EVing it but that didn't work, Ate them up nicely! In the end the magery guys just ebolted it to death, A tamer had a doggie but that got eaten alot too.

Prince Caspian

Sacred bovine! According to the Hunter's Guide, I'd have to land 3 thousand 100-hp hits on him to solo him. Wonder if he'll observe "time out" six times while I go restock my arrows...


We've been doing it alot the last couple of night.. 2 archers and a dexer. Demon slayers.. bring lots of pots and apples.. he loves to cast on you. Keep him in the gazebo on the bridge, use either exit to run out of eye sight and heal up.

Last night we had 2 archers, dexer, necro mage.. went down just as fast.

And oh.. the archer with just a plain demon slayer bow (the old dark grey one) did far better damage then the Night Reaper X-bow. 2 nights in a row got the artie drop the other archer got nada.

I'm the dexer hitting him for 150 per hit with my exiler, wrath of dryad staff for mana. Went through about 25 of each pot, and about 10 apples. About 300 aids per instance.

The new spawn pops immediately when the old one is dead.. so someone has to lure it off in order for peeps to loot.


I've done a few of these so far. A couple archers or mages work well. I would leave all your tamers at home though, they will be almost useless.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
what do you mean allmost.

they are.

we went in with a pack or tamers and ended up running out with our tails tucked neatlly between our legs.

and the nasty thing was disco'd.
didnt help one bit.

King Frankie

Hes actully pretty easy you just need to figure out how.

1. Dont use archers
2. Dont use pets
3. Use malee with resist
4. Have a friend with you to bandage so you can crossheal

We took like 10 of them down lastnight in about 5 min each doing just the above.

Realize range has a huge disadvantage due to the hard hitting spell he cast when to far away.

Other then that nothing special drops it think we gotten like 20 Standard of Chaos wich are utterly crap in any pvp pvm i dont even know why they put that weapon in circulation.

Heres my template:

Fighting skill.
Resisting spells 120 is a must
Some chivalry like 60.

Use wraith form and use a blade of ease with hld mana leech and any other spell. Spam that AI and vollah hes dead fast.