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Skilling pets and the bless/curse spell


Lore Master
I know a lot of people recommend discording pets to skill them up faster. With that in mind, I'm wondering if casting bless on your pet would have any effect, either speeding up or slowing down skilling. Also if I cast curse on the mob or my pet, if that would have any improved effect on skilling.

Any ideas?

I can see how in some cases casting bless on the pet may help because it can increase the pets stamina if it's not already maxed, which in turn increases hit speed, so could potentially raise wrestling/tactics/anat faster because of more hits over time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Blessing the pet would give it higher INT, therefore slightly higher mana regen rate. However, Blessing a pet no longer increases Health/Stamina/Mana, ever since they tried to fix one of the methods for illegally boosting a pet's stats. So Bless doesn't even make the pet swing faster anymore.