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Skill Tutor Statuette?




A friend just brought my attention to a vendor selling a statue I've never seen or heard before so I was wondering if any could fill me in on some background of this item called "Skill Tutor Statuette" which looks like a vendor that is packed into ur moving crate.. well here's the pic..

Any help'll be much appreciated =)



Those come from the newbie quest with the new KR client. They are one of the rewards for defeating the shadow lord I believe. I think you can get them fairly easily.


Aaahh... is it now? Ha! and that vend's selling em for 5m.. if I hadnt found out what it was I'm fairly sure my friend would've bought it.. lol

Well Thanks a ton for the answer *bows*

Wizal the Fox

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Considering the constraints:

- You can get only 1 Dark Knight reward per char
- You can only get a Dark Knight reward with a new char
- You have to train/equip that char, that takes time.
- You currently have only 1 chance to get a Dark Knight reward, if you get killed or if you fizzle your recall, you're done (ok that's prolly a bug but it's still a fact)
- You have only 1/3 chance to get the statuette if you defeat the Dark Knight
- You have to use the KR client

And considering the price the cloak of Humility sell for, which quest doesn't have half of those constraints, I expect those statuette to go for quite a high price. Maybe not 5M, but I wouldn't be surprised if they sold for 2M or more.

Ceridwen DF


Oh thats cool looking...do they come in just the one style or are there various NPC statuettes to loot?

[/ QUOTE ]

I´d guess they all look the same, as mine looks exactly like the one pictured and so have all others I´ve seen so far (although there aren´t that many around it seems).


Ah yes, going thru all that I'd say apprx 2m would be a good market price I'd consier. Thank u for letting us know more on that

Oh btw does anyone know what it does?.. Cos I see it has an "on/off" display, does it make sounds or speaks?



Oh btw does anyone know what it does?

[/ QUOTE ]

http://www.uoherald.com/darkknight/rewards.php --


Skill Tutor Statuette: Once turned on, this object will inform the player of the likely skillgain chance of any action performed. For instance, when fighting a monster, it will tell you whether it will result in a weak chance, is too hard to gain, optimal, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]


Woah, thats actually kind of handy. And 2 mill is about what I think I'd pay also.


how do i fight this dark knight? just use kr and make a new character?


Does it need to be a (young) KR account to get access to the short new intro?
Or is it possible to do on old account but with a new char and soulstone skills over?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for all you have to go thru....and with all the stuff u have to do to get it....and with how helpful it could be....i dont think 5m is a very bad price at all also have to consider that its still fairly new like its been said theres not too many around yet....5m+ wouldnt be unconsiderable atm i dont think

Wizal the Fox

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I made quite a lot of money with those statuettes without realizing myself their full potential... and I have to say they are really not deco, they are actually extremely useful!!!

I'm currently training my 7th slot char and I can't even remember how painful it was before I had this item to help.

Anyone training a char MUST have one of those, it's just so obvious to me now that I'm having a hard time explaining to other people what they do!

...And now I realize that the 5M price in the first post is probably way more accurate that what I said before in this thread!


5 mil seems like a fair price for not having to use the KR client. o_O

Lady Buttercup

I would love to buy one of these statuettes on Chessy please. I am willing to pay 5 million no problem. I need this statue and the seahorse to complete my set of all statuettes in game. If anyone is selling the skill tutor on Chessy please PM me, thanks.



5 mil seems like a fair price for not having to use the KR client. o_O

[/ QUOTE ]

I hadn't thought of that, so true.

Lady Buttercup

yes i know, I am not going to collect each color, that would be insane. I just want one of each statue. Color dont matter to me. Like the zoo statues, i didnt get any of the ones that were interactive that had a non interactive match. So color to me dont matter