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Skill Gain Faster at Lower Total?



Does Skill still gain faster when your total skills points are lower? I.E 720.0 total skill points compared to 0.0?

Going from 0 Magery to 100 Magery faster if you have 0 total skill points

Compared to

Going from 0 Magery to 100 Magery slower with 720 total skills points and 1 skill pointed down


It is faster with a lower "Total" skill points, and it is faster with lower points in the skill you are training... so for magery, the fastest way is with little to no other skills on the character, use the -skill mage weapons when appropriate, and later maybe even get discorded in the twisted wield (plus the mage weapon) for great gains at higher real skill levels.


So with a soulstone and 1 blank character you can train the skill you want from 0 to 120 (with 0.0 total skill) and gain faster then soulstone it to the character you want it on...

How stupid


So with a soulstone and 1 blank character you can train the skill you want from 0 to 120 (with 0.0 total skill) and gain faster then soulstone it to the character you want it on...

How stupid
Hey, it works. Anything to cut down on training time for skills like Taming, Discord/Peace/Provo, and even Magery is a great thing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is faster with a lower "Total" skill points, and it is faster with lower points in the skill you are training... so for magery, the fastest way is with little to no other skills on the character, use the -skill mage weapons when appropriate, and later maybe even get discorded in the twisted wield (plus the mage weapon) for great gains at higher real skill levels.
Are you guys sure about this? I'm seeing no difference. I've training magery, tailoring, blacksmithing, and swords on new characters and full characters and it took about the same time.

Now if you mean "do you gain magery faster when your skill in magery is lower?" then the answer is Yes. For many skills, you have to do something more difficult (Cast higher level spells, attack tougher creatures, or make harder items) to gain. Others like Meditation, Focus, or Parrying will continue to go up regardless of how you use the skill.

GGS, on the other hand, does happen more often if you have lower overall skill points.


Yup, the soul stone does allow this.

When I was GM'ing Taming, I got so sick of it that I drained all the skills off a char and stoned taming to him. Then I could use GGS to get .1 pt in the morning and .1 pt in the evening.

Was lame, but effective.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So with a soulstone and 1 blank character you can train the skill you want from 0 to 120 (with 0.0 total skill) and gain faster then soulstone it to the character you want it on...
one could do that, but you will need a second power scroll in this scenario.


I have been at 106 taming for years...since they added the scrolls to pass 100..how long ago was that?



Are you guys sure about this? I'm seeing no difference.
The difference comes with the GGS gains. For example, while training Stealing, if I'd kept the skill points on the char that he had, which was over 700, then he'd be at 55 hours for a GGS gain. Since I stoned all but Magery and Stealing, the GGS gains come in 5.6 hours (I think). Also, at lower total skill points you have a greater chance at gains for each attempt.


The GGS times has total skill point breaks at 350 total and 500 total.

In addition to this, there is a GGS timer for individual skill levels.

For example; if you have a total skill points of less than 350, and your taming is less than 80, you are eligible for a GGS every 3 hours I think it is (might be 1 1/2 hours); but at total skill points between 350 - 500 the GGS timer is 5 hours I think. If taming is over 80, but total skills are under 350 the timer is different.

I don't remember the actual timers, but I know the break down is at total skill points 350 or less; 500 or less; and I think the individual skills are set at 80, 100 - at least those are the "really" big breaks.

My wife's computer has the links to the chart, I'll post it if no one else does when she gets home.


Yup, the soul stone does allow this.

When I was GM'ing Taming, I got so sick of it that I drained all the skills off a char and stoned taming to him. Then I could use GGS to get .1 pt in the morning and .1 pt in the evening.

Was lame, but effective.
I did this for Taming and Disco and it works wonders.

GGS Table

Quoting BardMal: "...The GGS times has total skill point breaks at 350 total and 500 total..."
A long time ago the Devs said that table is an approximation (as it says in the title) and GGs vary through the full range of total skill points.