Just out of curiosity, I wanted to ask you, which skills you consider easiest and which ones hardest. Which ones are considered pretty hard but with the possibility of significant acceleration through "gold infusion" or other means like nice legal macros that can speed up the process considerably?
I would like to build a list for myself (and the community if interest exists).
The benefit would be, that when building new chars from scratch, I could always first concentrate on the most difficult skills, to gain the most from GGS and add the easy ones last. If anyone would like to contribute, I would be very greatful. I propose a scale of 1 - 5. If some specific methods exist, to accelerate the skill gain, than the skill will be listed in both groups. Without comment in the "normal" way and in the second with the comment on how to accelerate.
So here it comes: I started it, but can't decide on many skills, which I don't use often, so please, share your thoughts
1 - very easy to gain without any investment
- Focus, Meditation
2 - easy to gain but needs more attention than 1
Lockpicking(TW), VET(shadow ele), Magery(mage weapon + 100% LRC armor)
3 - not very easy / not very hard ...
4 - hard to gain, needs much time and involvement
Animal Lore, Veterinary, Magery
5 - very hard to gain
Taming, Fishing, Discordance, Provocation
I would like to build a list for myself (and the community if interest exists).
The benefit would be, that when building new chars from scratch, I could always first concentrate on the most difficult skills, to gain the most from GGS and add the easy ones last. If anyone would like to contribute, I would be very greatful. I propose a scale of 1 - 5. If some specific methods exist, to accelerate the skill gain, than the skill will be listed in both groups. Without comment in the "normal" way and in the second with the comment on how to accelerate.
So here it comes: I started it, but can't decide on many skills, which I don't use often, so please, share your thoughts
1 - very easy to gain without any investment
- Focus, Meditation
2 - easy to gain but needs more attention than 1
Lockpicking(TW), VET(shadow ele), Magery(mage weapon + 100% LRC armor)
3 - not very easy / not very hard ...
4 - hard to gain, needs much time and involvement
Animal Lore, Veterinary, Magery
5 - very hard to gain
Taming, Fishing, Discordance, Provocation