Artists and storyline people can't do code. They've (EA not our team) have fired most the competent people from the team who might have been able to fix the bugs. So don't hold your breath.
You know this also means that they are also not really going to be adding diddly squat to the game for a long time to come. Least not much more than a few aesthetics.
Trust me when I say they are aware of it... and would LOVE to do more about it... but yeah.
Just as an FYI...with the exception of Artists, as a developer on UO we are responsible for not only coming up with the content (being storyline people) but also implementing it. That translates into having a detailed understanding of the technical side of our game as well as being able to effectively code it into operation within the UO engine.
As for "not really adding diddly squat...", well I think you may be pleasantly surprised with the upcoming publish. We try to fix some bugs with each publish. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!