Is it true that you will now answer six questions on Saturdays?
Yes, we will begin answering six questions on Saturday for those who are dissatisfied with the F0F.
Question number one is, when will overpowered pets in PVP be addressed.
That's questions number two.
What do you mean?
The first question you asked was whether or not we would be answering six questions on Saturdays.
And you took that as one of the six?
Really? You've got to be kidding me. That was basically me just introducing the topic
No I am serious.
Wait, did that just count as a question too?
Yes, in fact that was six.
Yes, we will begin answering six questions on Saturday for those who are dissatisfied with the F0F.
Question number one is, when will overpowered pets in PVP be addressed.
That's questions number two.
What do you mean?
The first question you asked was whether or not we would be answering six questions on Saturdays.
And you took that as one of the six?
Really? You've got to be kidding me. That was basically me just introducing the topic
No I am serious.
Wait, did that just count as a question too?
Yes, in fact that was six.