with the current loot, the only suits worth crafting are lrc's for new players. You'll never be able to craft anything that compares to loot, ever. That being said, give crafters something new . Everyone has tons of jewelry now (see previous comment on loot) so we need something to store it in. Tinker/Carp crafted jewelry box. The box will show the properties of each piece and can be retrieved with the click of a button. Everyone has tons of weapons now (see previous comment on loot) so we need something to store it in. Carp/Arms Lore crafted weapons cabinet. (see previous description) Everyone has tons of armor pieces now (see...you get the idea), so we need something to store it in. Carp/Tailor armor wardrobe. Stewards/Mannequins are nice but Stewards have that awful 125 item count they steal and Mannequins aren't as heavily circulated.
Give us a bone please ! If we can't have things like this then we can always beat our selves over the head with the bone until we forget how to craft anything.
Give us a bone please ! If we can't have things like this then we can always beat our selves over the head with the bone until we forget how to craft anything.