Honestly, I could care less for this change, I am simply saying it should not effect people so much that they have to be rude to the people suggesting it. I agree to each their own, but I also think if you are playing a game for benefit, then perhaps you should not be playing it. This is in response to your "what is in it for me", the thing that is in it for you is playing the game, yes I often go and kill low level monsters for no good reason, often times if a friend makes a new char or if I happen across a new player that would like a companion I will either make a new char just to do this, no benefit to me really, but I enjoy playing the game. While I will not force this idea on you, or anyone (the idea of playing the game for enjoyment and not for benefit since I guess some people can only get enjoyment from benefit) I will say again, you are missing out on a lot. If your biggest concern with a game is how much you benefit from doing something, then in my opinion you are not....hmm what word or phrase am I looking for here...lets just say you are missing out on a lot.
My very original post was not for or against the idea, it was only explaining how the system works now and ways they could implement the system the OP was asking for, my very next post was to the OP talking about how you need a fixed outcome for a script to work, where I pointed out that she was suggesting people scripting resources would benefit from being killed, and pointing out that it was not true. After that I only responded to her responses to me.
Sarcasm is a form of rudeness, don't be rude if you can not handle your argument being belittled.
Edit: I do not really want to rewrite everything about "benefiting" so I will just add that I did not read the entire thing, and while yes this could cut into your enjoyment of mining or lumberjacking (you really enjoy that? o.o) I still point to the previous part that if you are only getting enjoyment out of benefit you are missing out.

I do not think over land spawn will really do much for the player base....but meh, you know my opinions on other things so no need to go into all of it. So yea, not for or against this particular idea, so I am not going to argue with you about "risk vs rewards" since...there are none if in tram, but if you read what I was particularly basing my argument on you would see it was more of an attended player vs a scripter, not really "for enjoyment" I think it would suck to have mine or lumberjack longer because I have to run all over the place. -.-