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*sigh* again...


Stratics Veteran
Leaving again... Blah this getting so old; Isnt it?

Ive reached my limit and just cant take it any longer.

The joy of the game has been taken from me and its just 2 much.

Goodbye everyone...

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Silm, I hate seeing you go but fully understand the need to take time off from the game. Hopefully, your time away will be short and you'll come back soon. Until then, Godspeed and be well. I'll miss seeing you around. *deep curtsy*


Stratics Veteran
Hi Silm

Truly hate seeing you leave us again. Don't let the resident miscreants ruin your fun!

But if you do leave, I hope you come back soon and join us again. You are always missed.

Sister Frances


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why not just take breaks?

Whenever I get frustrated with UO, that's what I do. I break something.