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[Selling] SI10 BONE LEGS

King Don Juan

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

the following item is for sale on Atlantic
Will turn into auction if it gets enough attention


Best regards,
the Trashcan LLC

King Don Juan

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Turned into a 48h auction, in the spirit of not waiting at the last second to bid i have set a buyout that i will not reveal, if someone reaches it through bids the auction stops and i will contact the buyer.

Best regards,
the Trashcan LLC

King Don Juan

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Keith this is all in good faith
you have been accusing me over and over after every god damn thread i made, here or inbox.

I will make this easier for you, do not open my threads again it is that simple.

Hell i will even help you, you are now banned from bidding on any trashcan LLC auction.

best regards

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Keith this is all in good faith
you have been accusing me over and over after every god damn thread i made, here or inbox.

I will make this easier for you, do not open my threads again it is that simple.

Hell i will even help you, you are now banned from bidding on any trashcan LLC auction.

best regards
Awesome, Not that I had planned on doing so.

"Good Faith" includes being OPEN and transparent in negotiations. Exactly what part of "i have set a buyout that i will not reveal" is "open", OR ""transparent"? The mere fact you are unwilling to "share" the number discredits your whole statement.

FYI, I suspect you are just butt hurt over the fact I didn't buy your overpriced imbuing ingredients. Which you then told me you somehow sold, to a person who (it's my understanding) has been banned from Stratics, and normally would have ZERO to do with buying/selling stuff like that. "Real Estate" would be a different matter though ;). So ya, I called BS on it. LOL

Lastly, While I'm positive YOU can't ban me from bidding, the thing to do would be to ASK a moderator not allow me to do so. But no need, my gold spends quite nicely elsewhere.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!"

King Don Juan

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Awesome, Not that I had planned on doing so.

"Good Faith" includes being OPEN and transparent in negotiations. Exactly what part of "i have set a buyout that i will not reveal" is "open", OR ""transparent"? The mere fact you are unwilling to "share" the number discredits your whole statement.

FYI, I suspect you are just butt hurt over the fact I didn't buy your overpriced imbuing ingredients. Which you then told me you somehow sold, to a person who (it's my understanding) has been banned from Stratics, and normally would have ZERO to do with buying/selling stuff like that. "Real Estate" would be a different matter though ;). So ya, I called BS on it. LOL

Lastly, While I'm positive YOU can't ban me from bidding, the thing to do would be to ASK a moderator not allow me to do so. But no need, my gold spends quite nicely elsewhere.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!"

If you had read what i had written, you would find i resigned to that to avoid the last minute bidders, such as yourself, if i am not mistaken.
Do you think you are the only one with gold on this shard? I did sell the ingredients, you believing it or not .. well..
I have no rights on stratics.. i will not contact any moderator, by that i meant that i will not take any of your posts/offers in consideration, i thought you would understand that.

Please, we are grown ups, lets act accordingly.
When you see a thread started by my name, don't open it.

Please lets get back to the topic of the thread