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Should I risk it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Before you consider my question... you should probably note a few things about me.

* _________________________________________ *
1: My most hated addition to Ultima Online is the Imbuing option. I'm not going to go into why in this thread, and I'm not trying to start a cyber-fight over it. This is just a comment to keep in consideration when it comes to my question at hand. So, no, I don't want it imbued, but thank you anyway.

2: I do realize there is always a chance an item will be destroyed when trying to enhance it. I'm very curious if anyone knows the % of chance with the very highest skill possible, maybe using the highest runic tool, and the highest talisman equipped would be of the enhancement succeeding.

3: I do value everyone's opinions on Stratics. So I take them in great regard to making a final decision.
* ____________________________________________ *

While battling Mephitis at the arachnid spawn in Valor, I pulled these from the giant spiders body:

I think these leggings are already very, very nice. But I'm asking if anyone thinks I should seek out a really good, high leveled, experienced tailor to enhance them?


Lore Master
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It's not worth it bob because the upped stats already take up intensity and the max intensity of non gm made things is 450 while gm made armor is 500. Plus enhancing Tailored items has notoriously bad results if I remember correctly. (Not to mention you'd have to powder it up which has become very expensive)

If you want an imbued set of legs I got 110 imbuing and can make up to 500 intensity with that. (I've been slacking about gaining imbuing) But it sounds like you're not looking for uber legs just something good and I could probably make you what you want for free. Sans powdering so something with like 70 durability that's decent and remake-able without much fuss wouldn't be that hard.


Crazed Zealot
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A GM crafted leather piece (with barbed) is 42 total resists.
This piece is 59 total resists, so better than "normal".
To get all 70's resist, each piece needs 58-59 resists on average.

So by enhancing (+12 resists), you gain a buffer for a weaker piece elsewhere on your suit.

I say do it. Worst that can happen is you lose the piece, at which point you just find another one.

According to UO Stratics - Item Enhancing: Armor, the piece has a 50% chance of breaking with barbed leather and a 20% chance of success. (with legendary tailor)

Spined leather has a 60% chance of success, but isn't really much improved over nothing.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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Personally, I wouldn't try to enhance it for fear of breaking it. But then again I've always had terrible luck when it comes to enhancing.


Babbling Loonie
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I'd try to enhance the piece with spined leather, which (in case of success) would add +5 to Physical Resist. If you succeed, you have a nice piece of non-imbued armor with really high resists. If you fail, not much is lost.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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I've got a couple of those tools off uogamecodes that guarantees that the enhance won't fail.

I'd be happy to use a charge to help you Bob.

Just icq me. # is in my signature!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOA! Flutter, Slickjack, I've never seen that item. Thank you for showing me the link. That tool guarantees success chance? How cool.

Slickjack, you willing to give me a charge? That would be awesome. I'll send you an icq.


Lore Master
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Barbed GM peice with full armslore is 47 and like I said intensities blah blah blah.
but okay.


Lore Keeper
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Well considering he said he doesn't like imbuing and won't be imbuing the peice then intensities don't really mean anything. They'll be really nice with the barbed enhancement and leave you some room for other peices that are a little resist light but have nice mods. That being said without a tool i'd wait to enhance till I found a peice that was comparable so it wouldn't hurt so much if/when it blew up.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scarst, I thank you for your offer, very kind of you to volunteer. Slickjack, thank you for successfully enhancing my leggings.

Everyone's feedback was very kind and wonderful. And, for what it's worth I'm going to apply a lot of what everyone had to tell me about my leggings to other armor pieces that I have.