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[Fishing] Should i 120 fishing?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So i haven't got the new booster yet, i probably will but haven't really been too excited about it.

Since fishing is a big part of it, can anyone tell me if its worth it work fishing to 120? I gmed it years ago when i was really really bored watching movies, but dont really have that kind of time now. Are the quests better than the usual ones we've seen over before? I dont really like questing unless its a very good story line, and wont grind out quests.

So, is there anything i might like about legendary fishing? I dont see it as being very profitable but maybe im wrong.

Any new loots to fish up? Anything awesome about it that im missing?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I uh... wouldn't worry about it too much, since no one is ever gonna find/bind a 120 scroll.

I think the guess is that there are some rare fish that you can only fish up with 120. Thats it afaik at the moment.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm... Thanks. Yeah i heard from some people that they had done questing for hours, and i wasnt planning on doing that, i was gonna buy one. But i guess that might be kinda hard right now. Really, a new open sea mini champ / peerless would be cool. It could just drop fishing scrolls and maybe the treasure chest loot. I was thinking boat pvp would be really fun, but then realized that no one will probably do it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I had assumed there would be a open seas champ myself so people would have a good place to have naval battles. *shrug*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually no one can definately saying, what benefits 120 fsihing will give. But you shouldnt forget that it is all about fishing and fishing always takes some time.
Yes, it is said that there are some rare fishes that need to be leg fisherman to cathc. those are used to cook some of the new fish pies. But you can get several of them with 'only' GM fishing. Besides that they have a duration of 5 minutes and I heard rumours about them not to stack. (Probably true, becourse you can get them exceptionally crafted and it would mean, that they behave like Cakes in cooking terms.)