I proposed this, back when Factions was far less active.
It was suggested to me that the 20-minute timer was necessary for shards where Factions was really active, and a fight could easily stretch to the 20-minute mark and beyond, and a timer that was significantly less would enable people to jump right back into the fight.
I was persuaded by this argument, and dropped the issue.
Now that Factions:
- is more active on more shards;
- enables access to really, really powerful artifacts;
- is a key part of an epic event cycle that has consequences beyond Factions;
the argument is even
more persuasive.
Look at the 20-minute timer as the price you have to pay for access to those artifacts that make the rest of us drool, and for being able to have an impact on the outcome of events that the rest of us wish we could have.
-Galen's player