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Should Event Items go to the Highest Damagers?

Should the Item go to the Highest Damager?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • No

    Votes: 72 90.0%

  • Total voters


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
According to Manticore:

Mesanna announced tonight on Sonoma that after this next patch a new script is going into effect where top attacker and healer will get the EM item drop automatically in their backpack. Overpowering spells and pets will have their damages adjusted accordingly.

This patch COULD already be on Origin because the recent event on Origin where they released the Hamhocks, all went to Sampires templates.


So, lets do this in a poll fashion. I for one think this is a stupid stupid decision. If the complaint is that the items go into too few hands, then how does this help? Will the average player who already doesnt get an item, be able to compete with a thrower or sampire?

An Example that Already Happened:
Shard: Chesapeake
Event: Shadowlord Conclusion
Items: Shard of the Gem of Immortality
Recipient: ONE sampire received all 3 drops
Method of Dropping: Highest Damager


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Agreed with the over powered Sampire and thrower situation.. A little silly as to how the "Top Healer" will get it to.. Not quite sure how they got the mechanics to work for that without breaking 10 things.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
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Sorry for my ignorance:

What does "top healer" mean?

Wizal the Fox

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem is currently most of the stuff go to Tamers and Summoners, for obvious targeting reasons in the usual lag/mess. So anything that could help that would be good, but I'm not sure "Highest Damagers" would solve the issue...

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My vote is no, why change it? This basically ruined events for me because i hardly ever get event items as it is, now top damager?!?!

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
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I think it should be random. This method will exclude any newer players from having the thrill of getting an item.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Honestly I am not interested in many of the EM drops. However ancient history I am. That has not changed

In the end I am just an ancient sage traveling the lands of Solaria


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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First of all I want to say Manti is WRONG!

I got my FIRST EM Event item EVER at that event and I am NOT a sampire, I am a tamer and I died 43 times....I know I died 43 times because death robes give 1 turn in point each and I turned every single one of them in lol.

I used my Rune Beetle and I got a hamhock so Manti's statement is incorrect.

I do NOT think the item should automatically go to ANYONE, it should be random, though until this event I had serious doubts that it was.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First of all I want to say Manti is WRONG!

I got my FIRST EM Event item EVER at that event and I am NOT a sampire, I am a tamer and I died 43 times....I know I died 43 times because death robes give 1 turn in point each and I turned every single one of them in lol.

I used my Rune Beetle and I got a hamhock so Manti's statement is incorrect.

I do NOT think the item should automatically go to ANYONE, it should be random, though until this event I had serious doubts that it was.
hmm, that was just an example and wasn't confirmed if the patch had gone through yet on Origin. However the statement about the patch was indeed made tonight by Mesanna. I only used Sampire as an example because of the quick counts of those who said they gotten one. As I've stated in the original post, mass damage templates will be at a significant advantage. To confirm, did your hamhock dropped in your pack or was it a loot?

If in fact it was dropped in your pack then the patch is in effect and you were the top damage attacker against that mutant hamhock which basically for the rest of the mage, warrior, or any other traditional templates excluding the tamers it was basically helping to bring the points down and will never get a shot at the item.

If yours came from the corps loot then the patch has not taken into effect and your loot was just like anyone else's based on chance.


Slightly Crazed
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I vote NO
But I get so far one event item Rate to 100 or More Death Robe
I feel that change is needed


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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hmm, that was just an example and wasn't confirmed if the patch had gone through yet on Origin. However the statement about the patch was indeed made tonight by Mesanna. I only used Sampire as an example because of the quick counts of those who said they gotten one. As I've stated in the original post, mass damage templates will be at a significant advantage. To confirm, did your hamhock dropped in your pack or was it a loot?

If in fact it was dropped in your pack then the patch is in effect and you were the top damage attacker against that mutant hamhock which basically for the rest of the mage, warrior, or any other traditional templates excluding the tamers it was basically helping to bring the points down and will never get a shot at the item.

If yours came from the corps loot then the patch has not taken into effect and your loot was just like anyone else's based on chance.
Then you should have said it was an example.

The way you stated it...

This patch COULD already be on Origin because the recent event on Origin where they released the Hamhocks, all went to Sampires templates.


It reads that you absolutely know for sure that all the items went to sampire templates.

I looted mine, there's no way I would be top damager I only used my rune beetle, but the poison and armor corrupt helps other people kill it faster too.

I know it was still an instanced corpse cus I looted right after it died.

Smiley Gladhands

Somebody get Larisa a cookie. She's trying really hard for one.

Now back to the original discussion.

I still say no to the new system. So far nobody has come up with a valid reason for saying yes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem is currently most of the stuff go to Tamers and Summoners, for obvious targeting reasons in the usual lag/mess. So anything that could help that would be good, but I'm not sure "Highest Damagers" would solve the issue...
Thats not my experience at all i did ATL events on a tamer for a year and did get 1 dropp now when i started doing them on an archer i get 1 dropp every 2-3 events

Dumb luck?
I cant say i know what others get on what templates i still find it funny that i could be that unlucky with a tamer if it is suppose to be the best event template


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I m not voting yet
I wait to see this in action first
maybe it will work great


I have chars that pretty much always get the skull from the champs we do, and it's the usual Necroweaver / Sampire / Wraith Thrower crazy damage templates.

And if it really is going to be the highest damager, then the script will change to an honouring script and the scripters will get the highest damage for anything without a specific slayer.

I suspect there may be a little more subtlety then that though, but I guess we will see, I don't see if they are introducing pack drops, which I love the idea of, why they can't make it random according to loot rights though.

I am sure also that xshard newbie chars who stealth around and loot corpses will be disappointed, but y'know, I think that is fair to be honest.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Somebody get Larisa a cookie. She's trying really hard for one.

Now back to the original discussion.

I still say no to the new system. So far nobody has come up with a valid reason for saying yes.
Oatmeal Raisin please, I'm not too keen on sweets :)

Seriously I want a cookie! I was quite proud that I finally got an EM Event Item, so what? I don't go to these to get items to sell for millions, I get them to collect which it seems alot of people don't seem to understand.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have chars that pretty much always get the skull from the champs we do, and it's the usual Necroweaver / Sampire / Wraith Thrower crazy damage templates.

And if it really is going to be the highest damager, then the script will change to an honouring script and the scripters will get the highest damage for anything without a specific slayer.

I suspect there may be a little more subtlety then that though, but I guess we will see, I don't see if they are introducing pack drops, which I love the idea of, why they can't make it random according to loot rights though.

I am sure also that xshard newbie chars who stealth around and loot corpses will be disappointed, but y'know, I think that is fair to be honest.
Your suggestion has a lot of merits. I would add a few more scripts that already exist in the current system to satisfy just about everyone.

1. Instead of just like Doom where there is a chance that goes to the top 16 attackers, put in a script like the Tokuno system whereby each player accumulates damage points and when that threshold is hit then each time a mob dies that individual gets a chance of getting the auto-drop.

2. This makes it so that some templates will hit the threshold after the first mob and some the second mob etc... and even the worst template might get a shot at the last mob.

3. Those with shard-pride including both EM and players would still get the satisfaction that the x-shard noobi characters won't be able to get the item and if they really want to compete then they will have to train up a char.

4. The healer model wasn't explained in detail so I have no idea how that would work. One thing comes to mind is that if they are tossed in the pool for items, what prevents someone from poisoning themselves and healing themselves over and over? lol

5. Also, at the current proposal, what prevents a guild of 5 tamers or 5 sampires to party up which will increase their total damage dealt and get the items that way (they can roll dice later to split the loot).

6. I would also suggest that the mobs are released more than 1 at a time to spread out the players. This is not currently the case for most shards. If they are kept one at a time after the patch then the top attacker most likely will go to the select few every time.


NO NO O NO .. Just no ...
who ever came up with this idea wasnt thinking straight ...
Events with 0 healers 0 ressers etc .. all just trying to do top damage. I would never go on events that has top damaage rules :wall:

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I don't think there's anything wrong with how event items have been handled previously, although, in my opinion I do like the click the clickable thing at the end method where people get an item commemorating the event style. The downfall of that is the x- sharder's who will stealth on into the "prize" area and click away at the statue and ferret away the Event goodies to sell to their prospective audiences or whatever they intend to do with it. That being said, I propose, that if it is truly possible to gauge how much a person heals and reward them for that effort, and we know it's possible to gauge how much damage a person does to X mob, then why not make it so that only the people that deal x amount of damage throughout the event and heal x amount of life or status effects throughout the event are the only ones who have privileges to click the reward clicky at the end? Or is that just askin to much?

Honestly, in current form, I don't feel there is anything wrong with event rewards as they have been.. and don't see why it's in dire need of changing, save for the people upset that people are selling them for lots of gold in game. If it is changed, I hope the method I described above is the method that is implemented, and everybody can get a chance as long as they are putting forth serious effort.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
make all events clickies...then everyone gets a momento...no ill feeling...one per account...not one per char!!! then item rareity is depicted by players turn out.......be it only 5 people so 5 items [like some private events ive seen] or 200 people so 200 items....

gotta make sense


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would this be only during EM events?
As far as we know yes, i.e. when the mobs are created before the event this script will be placed on them. Mesanna creates them ahead of time for the EMs weekly. During the event, the EM will draw them out how they see fit.

Sauteed Onion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
make all events clickies...then everyone gets a momento...no ill feeling...one per account...not one per char!!! then item rareity is depicted by players turn out.......be it only 5 people so 5 items [like some private events ive seen] or 200 people so 200 items....

gotta make sense
That's a pretty good one too.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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As far as we know yes, i.e. when the mobs are created before the event this script will be placed on them. Mesanna creates them ahead of time for the EMs weekly. During the event, the EM will draw them out how they see fit.
See this is the main problem...you say *As far as WE know*


According you YOU, Mesanna said these things...until such time as it's made an official announcement by her or Kai or someone who's words actually MEAN something, all of this is hear-say.


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
According you YOU, Mesanna said these things...until such time as it's made an official announcement by her or Kai or someone who's words actually MEAN something, all of this is hear-say.
Yea, because Manticore is just going to make it up right?

Bon Iver

Rares Fest Host | Atl Sept 2011 & June 2013
Stratics Veteran
An Example that Already Happened:
Shard: Chesapeake
Event: Shadowlord Conclusion
Items: Shard of the Gem of Immortality
Recipient: ONE sampire received all 3 drops
Method of Dropping: Highest Damager

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yea, because Manticore is just going to make it up right?
I can't speak for Larisa, but for me it more along the lines of what I said in the other thread:

Either way, hopefully we will get an official word from someone on what is being considered. Not that I do not trust Manti's post, just that sometimes communication breakdowns do happen when info is relayed from person x to person y and then to the masses, through no real fault of either person x or person y.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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I'm not calling anyone a liar, but for someone to say *I heard from a friend of a cousin that her next door neighbor overheard her sister's son's girlfriend say...*

Okay so you say Mesanna said this...fine...but there has been no OFFICIAL announcement. Until such time this whole thread is speculation and rumors.

while some of the posts are helpful in determining how EM events should be run in the future, there is no official statement made by anyone saying that's what is going to happen.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm not calling anyone a liar, but for someone to say *I heard from a friend of a cousin that her next door neighbor overheard her sister's son's girlfriend say...*

Okay so you say Mesanna said this...fine...but there has been no OFFICIAL announcement. Until such time this whole thread is speculation and rumors.

while some of the posts are helpful in determining how EM events should be run in the future, there is no official statement made by anyone saying that's what is going to happen.
Well, she did officially said this at the Sonoma Event last night in front of a crowd of about 20 people and in front of 2 EMs. Not everything has to be announced on Origin first to be considered official. :) There was no communication breakdown, I typed it as she was making it at the event. It's not too difficult to convey the message of top attackers and healers get the reward after the next patch.

And may be you don't visit here much but I don't pull things out of thin air before I post about it. I have attended a few thousand events over the years so that experience gives me the insight that if I felt something was worth bringing to this community for a discussion I would do it.

The original post said "could" have happened on Origin already but wasn't a definite statement. Last time I checked the word "could" meant may be or may not be. Perhaps once this is announced on your shard you can do that with full confidence but for now let me do what I know best.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Well, she did officially said this at the Sonoma Event last night in front of a crowd of about 20 people and in front of 2 EMs. Not everything has to be announced on Origin first to be considered official. :) There was no communication breakdown, I typed it as she was making it at the event. It's not too difficult to convey the message of top attackers and healers get the reward after the next patch.

And may be you don't visit here much but I don't pull things out of thin air before I post about it. I have attended a few thousand events over the years so that experience gives me the insight that if I felt something was worth bringing to this community for a discussion I would do it.

The original post said "could" have happened on Origin already but wasn't a definite statement. Last time I checked the word "could" meant may be or may not be. Perhaps once this is announced on your shard you can do that with full confidence but for now let me do what I know best.
Okay put the claws back in Manti lol.

By Official I meant posted to the UO Herald, you know where the official things are usually posted?


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
Okay put the claws back in Manti lol.

By Official I meant posted to the UO Herald, you know where the official things are usually posted?
Instead of waiting for it to be official, how about we voice our displeasure BEFORE its too late?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few things to clear up.

This is how the patch will work.

The event item drop would appear on one MOB. The top # of combination of attackers and healers will each get one item.

# of items is dependent on the crowd, i.e. say Atlantic where 100+ people attends most likely 20 rewards will be created vs smaller shards with 50 or less people attending will share 10 rewards.

But each of those who qualifies for an item based on attacking or healing will receive 1 item ONLY.

Mesanna wanted to explain this last night but the crowd got nasty real quick and since it was a celebratory event of handing out new shrouds for the EMs she didn't want to ruin their moment.

I hope this clears all confusions. But gotta love a healthy debate :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This sounds like a stupid idea to me, but I have to work when 90%
of the events are going on anyway. However I think that if you
show up and do even 1 point of damage you should have a chance
of getting more than a death robe or 3....


Social Distancing Since '97
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A few things to clear up.

This is how the patch will work.

The event item drop would appear on one MOB. The top # of combination of attackers and healers will each get one item.

# of items is dependent on the crowd, i.e. say Atlantic where 100+ people attends most likely 20 rewards will be created vs smaller shards with 50 or less people attending will share 10 rewards.

But each of those who qualifies for an item based on attacking or healing will receive 1 item ONLY.

Mesanna wanted to explain this last night but the crowd got nasty real quick and since it was a celebratory event of handing out new shrouds for the EMs she didn't want to ruin their moment.

I hope this clears all confusions. But gotta love a healthy debate :)
Still sounds stupid as hell. Great so every drop is only off ONE mob....Better hope you dont miss it or lag out!

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Explained in some greater detail

What Mesanna was talking about is an alternative system for awarding monster loot for event bosses. It is a modification to how the current Top Attacker system works. Currently, that system simply awards loot to the top X number of people who did damage to the boss mob. The change she mentioned is that the event bosses will begin to award loot not only to the top attackers, but also to those who focus on healing instead of dealing damage.

The actual way it works is fairly involved, and it awards credit for dealing damage to the creature, taking damage from the creature, and healing the damage it deals. The idea is to reward all who assist in the fight, and not just those with the highest damage output. It intelligently assigns credit in a way that should minimize exploitation.

I'm not going to discuss the system in full detail. It's set up so that you can't end up #1 in the list if you restrict yourself to one role, but if you do a good job in one role then you'll likely end up somewhere in the top of the list.

Now, the EMs are not going to change how they give out rewards. They will still give rewards based on participation via the objects that you double-click, and they will still give rewards as loot from monster kills.

The only difference here is that the loot from monster kills will also become available to the top healers as well as the top damagers. If you prefer to play the dedicated healer role, your efforts will now be rewarded.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So correct me if im wrong, the current system will stay the same but just adding that top damager and top healer will get an item as well. So here is what my understanding is, the event items will still spawn as loot for some people but for the top damager and top healer get the item in their pack.... am i correct, if not, please correct me. Thanks


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So correct me if im wrong, the current system will stay the same but just adding that top damager and top healer will get an item as well. So here is what my understanding is, the event items will still spawn as loot for some people but for the top damager and top healer get the item in their pack.... am i correct, if not, please correct me. Thanks
Yes and no.

1. EM still has the freedom to decide whether they want to use a clicky at the end or give out reward items based on # of attendees.

2. If its the later, the items will be loaded onto the MOB. For example 10 items at once to a mob.

3. Whereas in the past you may fight 10 mobs or 20 mobs now you may fight just 1 at the end but of course I am sure that mob will have many of its minor followers following it.

4. When people are fighting against that mob, each time a player deals damage the script remembers that. For example, Alex you dealt 3000 total points of damage against it while I dealt 2000 total points against it.

5. At the same time, Mama Faith instead of dealing damage, she has been healing you, Jinx, Linemen, and myself that the Mob has dealt damage onto and it also keeps points that she has healed. Sort of a reverse way.

6. If there were 20 reward items loaded on that MOB, upon its death, the 20 reward items will go to those top 20 damagers and healers in the form of an automatic drop in their packs.

Thus, no one player will end up with 2 items.

Both actions accumulate points, healing or damaging, so at the end those with the top ranks will get the rewards.

Hope that helps.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Slightly premature for the freak out, don't you guys think?

The biggest (and most positive) change is that the rewards will go directly to the backpack. This should greatly alleviate the issue of one person getting half the rewards at an event.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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Like I said..all hear say until I saw something official, now you guys can stop whining because everything stated here was a bit off, like I thought it was.

Thank you Phoenix for clearing this up :)


What Mesanna was talking about is an alternative system for awarding monster loot for event bosses. It is a modification to how the current Top Attacker system works. Currently, that system simply awards loot to the top X number of people who did damage to the boss mob. The change she mentioned is that the event bosses will begin to award loot not only to the top attackers, but also to those who focus on healing instead of dealing damage.

The actual way it works is fairly involved, and it awards credit for dealing damage to the creature, taking damage from the creature, and healing the damage it deals. The idea is to reward all who assist in the fight, and not just those with the highest damage output. It intelligently assigns credit in a way that should minimize exploitation.

I'm not going to discuss the system in full detail. It's set up so that you can't end up #1 in the list if you restrict yourself to one role, but if you do a good job in one role then you'll likely end up somewhere in the top of the list.

Now, the EMs are not going to change how they give out rewards. They will still give rewards based on participation via the objects that you double-click, and they will still give rewards as loot from monster kills.

The only difference here is that the loot from monster kills will also become available to the top healers as well as the top damagers. If you prefer to play the dedicated healer role, your efforts will now be rewarded.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Oatmeal Raisin please, I'm not too keen on sweets :)

Seriously I want a cookie! I was quite proud that I finally got an EM Event Item, so what? I don't go to these to get items to sell for millions, I get them to collect which it seems alot of people don't seem to understand.
Take your pick, but i unfortunately have no Oatmeal Raisin.


Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes and no.

1. EM still has the freedom to decide whether they want to use a clicky at the end or give out reward items based on # of attendees.

2. If its the later, the items will be loaded onto the MOB. For example 10 items at once to a mob.

3. Whereas in the past you may fight 10 mobs or 20 mobs now you may fight just 1 at the end but of course I am sure that mob will have many of its minor followers following it.

4. When people are fighting against that mob, each time a player deals damage the script remembers that. For example, Alex you dealt 3000 total points of damage against it while I dealt 2000 total points against it.

5. At the same time, Mama Faith instead of dealing damage, she has been healing you, Jinx, Linemen, and myself that the Mob has dealt damage onto and it also keeps points that she has healed. Sort of a reverse way.

6. If there were 20 reward items loaded on that MOB, upon its death, the 20 reward items will go to those top 20 damagers and healers in the form of an automatic drop in their packs.

Thus, no one player will end up with 2 items.

Both actions accumulate points, healing or damaging, so at the end those with the top ranks will get the rewards.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Manticore


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am just glad we dont have to put up with the loot scripts anymore waiting for the corpses to go public and miss out time after time. Great implement!


Lore Master
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Explained in some greater detail

What Mesanna was talking about is an alternative system for awarding monster loot for event bosses. It is a modification to how the current Top Attacker system works. Currently, that system simply awards loot to the top X number of people who did damage to the boss mob. The change she mentioned is that the event bosses will begin to award loot not only to the top attackers, but also to those who focus on healing instead of dealing damage.

The actual way it works is fairly involved, and it awards credit for dealing damage to the creature, taking damage from the creature, and healing the damage it deals. The idea is to reward all who assist in the fight, and not just those with the highest damage output. It intelligently assigns credit in a way that should minimize exploitation.

I'm not going to discuss the system in full detail. It's set up so that you can't end up #1 in the list if you restrict yourself to one role, but if you do a good job in one role then you'll likely end up somewhere in the top of the list.

Now, the EMs are not going to change how they give out rewards. They will still give rewards based on participation via the objects that you double-click, and they will still give rewards as loot from monster kills.

The only difference here is that the loot from monster kills will also become available to the top healers as well as the top damagers. If you prefer to play the dedicated healer role, your efforts will now be rewarded.
I actually like this idea. GO FOR IT!


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
make all events clickies...then everyone gets a momento...no ill feeling...one per account...not one per char!!! then item rareity is depicted by players turn out.......be it only 5 people so 5 items [like some private events ive seen] or 200 people so 200 items....

gotta make sense
rinse and repeat the answer incase ya all missed it!!

make all events clickies...then everyone gets a momento...no ill feeling...one per account...not one per char!!! then item rareity is depicted by players turn out.......be it only 5 people so 5 items [like some private events ive seen] or 200 people so 200 items....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
rinse and repeat the answer incase ya all missed it!!

make all events clickies...then everyone gets a momento...no ill feeling...one per account...not one per char!!! then item rareity is depicted by players turn out.......be it only 5 people so 5 items [like some private events ive seen] or 200 people so 200 items....
Dont like this at all. At least not for every event...NO WAY! BORING!