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[Fishing] Shore fishing and Deep Sea fishing on same screen?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Adventuring fisher can only fish shores and I have no need for shore fish thanks to her stockpiles. Anyone know of a place in which there is shore fishing and deep sea fishing within one screen?

Oo nm, Bucs Den it is :).

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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You can do that practically anywhere. I had my boat parked yesterday so that I got inshore fish off one side of the boat and deepsea fish off the other side.


i hope noone reads my hint for you.

but i know the internet is save, and everything i tell you now, will never reach someone else ears.

buc den have a dock.

theese dock reaches deep water!

so you can fish in deep water and fishing at the shore at the same location.

anna anomalous

deep water is just 14 tiles away from any shore. count your tiles out. 13 is shallow, 14 is deep. easy enough to do anywhere there is shore. haven docks is another option


Always Present
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Oo nm, Bucs Den it is .

I was gonna say that. It also is a great place for fisherpeeps who's fishing is not yet gm nor even ready for a ship yet, ie 50s to 60s somethings, to fish more challenging deep water and non deep water all in the same spot off the Buc Den docks there.:lol:


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
use to be able to pull a leviathon up just above cove in an outlet from land - which meant that deep water was from land.
they fixed it now thou so you cant.

magnecia docks use to be in deep water too. not sure now that the docks are destroyed.


UO Forum Moderator
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You can do that practically anywhere. I had my boat parked yesterday so that I got inshore fish off one side of the boat and deepsea fish off the other side.
thats what I do


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe I was going to write solved in header but figured others might ask the same question. Appreciate replies after the fact ;P.

We ran into issue because old stratics site says you can fish deep at 65, but it seems like it is now 75, according to FAQ here. Someone should probs update old site. I haven't had to consider skill training fishing in years, so threw me off.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
use to be able to pull a leviathon up just above cove in an outlet from land - which meant that deep water was from land.
they fixed it now thou so you cant.

magnecia docks use to be in deep water too. not sure now that the docks are destroyed.
The way fishing is now if you get any fish from any water tile you can identify where you are based on the fish you get. So if you get a shore fish you know it's shore, if you get a deep sea fish you know it's deep sea, if you get a dungeon fish, you know it's a dungeon ;P. And if you get a regular old fish, that says "a fish," well, you know, maybe the booster should still be in Beta ;p.