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Ship tracking not working


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Yea. It's buggy. I stop tracking before crossing server lines and that's helped me a bit. But it's still buggy. I've run into ships I wasn't even tracking many times. And sometimes I won't show any ships at all and find ships.


We have restarted tracking numerous times. Restarted the computer. Ran a file check when loading UO. We are out of ideas.

Maith Ceol

Stratics Veteran
I used tracking today and it worked just fine. It found the NPC and the player ships. Sorry to those who left their ships unattended in Fel, I found those too.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've always found it more miss than hit ever since pirates were introduced. I can start tracking and have no arrows, then a screen later run into a player or NPC ship.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ship tracking works about as well as skill tracking, barely at all. In the EC it's especially useless. When you start tracking it will show coordinates of the ship but they're constantly moving as you move, and then suddenly you arrive at the ship, and yep it was stationary the entire time. What the devs are afraid of when it comes to Tracking is unknown, but they act like it will break the game if it's given too much accuracy. Oh but if you want to know exactly how many of a certain item are available for sale, it will not only show you those items but the server will create a round trip ticket to and from that items location with damn near pin point precision...