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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK...I placed my Lighthouse on my Castle with my ship in my pack and it says that it's linked to any ship I place. I placed the ship in the water, sailed off, gated back to my Castle and can't figure out how to recall the ship to the moving crate. That is the only reason I got the lighthouse was so I could recall the ship back...any help is greatly appreciated. Also-the moving crate is grayed out on my house gump.

Sinder Shayde

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The linking of your ship to the lighthouse is so that if your ship happens to "sink" it will not be lost and will end up in your house moving crate but all the contents on that ship, unfortunately will be lost. You are not able to recall to your ship via the lighthouse...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm so fried I got this. I thought I could gate home from the ship after emptying the hold and then collect the ship from my moving crate. That's what made it worth while...oh well...