Looking for a shard with a decent population. I played uo when it first came out and then again I think a few years back. I was on Napa and it was pretty dead.
Now that I'm looking to come back I was hoping to find a shard with a decent population but not so large that everything I'd like to do has a line.
PS. Did UO make it against the rules to sell stuff on ebay? Don't see any accounts these days. Was looking hoping I could find a premade tamer just to save myself some time. Having at least one good stable character and a house I thought would make my transition back easier.
Now that I'm looking to come back I was hoping to find a shard with a decent population but not so large that everything I'd like to do has a line.
PS. Did UO make it against the rules to sell stuff on ebay? Don't see any accounts these days. Was looking hoping I could find a premade tamer just to save myself some time. Having at least one good stable character and a house I thought would make my transition back easier.