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Shard Population



Im back from a few year break.......I used to play great lakes but I recently move to the west(Vegas)

Should I play napa or pacific?

Who has the most population?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pacific is a bit stale at the moment, but definitely more active than Napa.
Also, the PvP player base on Pacific has more skilled players.
Sorry to say.. But Napa is full of really really low tier "PvPers"

Mid summer/Early winter is when everybody comes out of their caves and fights!

See you all this winter on the field! :gun::gun:

Derium of ls

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for some reason, everyone I run into on Pac is willing to break their back helping me out. It freaks me out because it reminds me of a movie where everyone in the village is brainwashed and has a smile on their face!

for for real, Pac, you are amazing. Best people ever.