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[Discussion] Shady Lava tile?


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Hey all,

I am not sure this is the place to ask this, but since I have never seen this lava tile before maybe it is rare? and/or a exploit? and/or Illegal? LOL I don't know.

I recently bought a friends castle stocked because he was quitting. He has a few of these lava tiles which have a completely unique 2d graphic and only weigh 1 stone. In addition... they have no context bar. If you set them down you can only pick them up by locking them down and using the retrieve option. The animation is a moving flame as opposed to the standard "bubbling".

The strange lava tile is in the picture below to the right, a normal one is to the left. is this something I should be getting rid of? Is it amazing?? please help =)

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it amazing?? NO Some guy on cat was selling them 1m a pop 4 months ago. Either from some exploit or there is a one tile lava spawn somewhere. I have around 20 myself so not that rare


Wielder of Ebil Cookies
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Yea I was thinking something must be off about it. Does anyone know where these come from?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nicer graphic. Wish they had used that for all the lava tiles tho.

Just happened to think, wasn't there a deal not too long ago where some tiles were able to be picked up in a dungeon or something like that? Think I remember one of them being a lava tile.... I know there is a fire field that was like that. Unsure if the lava tile is one that would be deleted if paged on but seems like the fire field was finally deemed ok to have....

maybe that will jog someone's memory... and hopefully theirs is more reliable than mine lol
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