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shadow wyrm not bonding


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
about 2.5 weeks ago I tamed my first shadow wrym. after 7 days of it being stabled, i went to feed it (expecting it to bond) but it did not. grrrr i thought. i told myself that i guess it could be possible that i miscounted the days. so, i've waited quite more than 7 days at this point. i'm going to try to feed it tonight and see if it bonds. in the bizarre chance that it does NOT bond, is there something that i should know? my normal tame method is: tame critter, take to stables, feed it just before i stall it, then wait 7 days, take critter out, feed and BOOM , pet bonding takes place. ......... is there anything different about shadow wyrms? like, do they never bond? or do i have to feed it something special like blackrock stew or something else besides just raw meat? my taming, lore and vet is 120.0 (without jewls/buffs) .

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have had this issue a couple of times over the years. Feeding the pet 10 separate times before stabling it usually fixes it. Each feeding is a separate "check" on the taming/lore front.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have had this issue a couple of times over the years. Feeding the pet 10 separate times before stabling it usually fixes it. Each feeding is a separate "check" on the taming/lore front.
well, i'm glad that i'm not the only one! getting ready here in just a few min to try, and if the critter don't bond, then i'll def try the multiple feeding thing. and thanks for the tip!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
server downtimes, and possible roll backs can also affect the timing. And its possible it didn't "take" the first feeding, and there are times i swore i did feed, but i may have missed the first feeding.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's actually not a bad idea Anon, i'm gonna start doin' that in future tames. the shadow wyrm bonded ( YAY! ) then i got PK'd . at least i didn't loose they wrym forever haha. now i have to figure out the new taming thing, i've never done it before, so i'm just shooting in the dark. wish me luck.