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Several problems



Hello - I just came back to the game about a week ago and I'm having some issues...

1. If I log in/out of my account too many times too quickly (like 10 times in an hour, happens frequently with quests and whatnot) it will block me out for about 15 minutes. When I try to log on it says I have the wrong password.

2. Damage that I do/take is displayed on top of each other in the very top right corner of my screen about 50% of the time.

3. I will often be unable to view the properties on items when I highlight them. A log off/log on fixes it or I can just wait about 30 seconds.

I am using the classic client btw.

Any ideas on how these can be fixed?



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Hello - I just came back to the game about a week ago and I'm having some issues...

1. If I log in/out of my account too many times too quickly (like 10 times in an hour, happens frequently with quests and whatnot) it will block me out for about 15 minutes. When I try to log on it says I have the wrong password.

2. Damage that I do/take is displayed on top of each other in the very top right corner of my screen about 50% of the time.

3. I will often be unable to view the properties on items when I highlight them. A log off/log on fixes it or I can just wait about 30 seconds.

I am using the classic client btw.

Any ideas on how these can be fixed?

Issue No. 1 I've never had happen, but the others well I think those are being caused because of changes to help make the Classic and Enhanced Clients play nice together. It happens to me too and I've not found a solution yet.


UO Forum Moderator
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The item property bug has been around since AoS - usually you can fix it by equipping the item, or sitting it on the ground in a safe place, and picking it up.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just wanted to add - opening spell book fixes paper doll backpack not showing number of items/weight. Might work for other scenarios as well.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello - I just came back to the game about a week ago and I'm having some issues...

1. If I log in/out of my account too many times too quickly (like 10 times in an hour, happens frequently with quests and whatnot) it will block me out for about 15 minutes. When I try to log on it says I have the wrong password.

2. Damage that I do/take is displayed on top of each other in the very top right corner of my screen about 50% of the time.

3. I will often be unable to view the properties on items when I highlight them. A log off/log on fixes it or I can just wait about 30 seconds.

I am using the classic client btw.

Any ideas on how these can be fixed?

2) on my classic screen, damage i do either rises from object i'm hitting or top LEFT corner briefly.