* Fills his U-Hall Mug with Seattle's Best and sits By the Window *
Greetings all, I hope every one is doing well. I spent a little time playing last night and found out that Some red's are not as easy as others. I was in Wrong and was killing Trolls and Lizardmen etc.. and then along comes and Executioner.
Ok I think to my self, this is just like the little reds that are in the fort past the Cross roads. So I start to shoot him with my Bow, when all of a sudden he hits me hard with a spell, then He heals him self, then I see my life is down to about 40, "WHAT THE" I think so I run and Heal, and come back and cast a Blade Spirit, ok I think this will teach him, well after he killed my blade spirit and was still at about 1/4 health, I start to cast Cor Por on him etc.. One more Blade Spirit later, and he was Dead.
All that for some worthless stuff and I think 522 gold. Ok I guess the lesson was worth more than the loot.
Peace be with You My U-Hall Friends and Family
Greetings all, I hope every one is doing well. I spent a little time playing last night and found out that Some red's are not as easy as others. I was in Wrong and was killing Trolls and Lizardmen etc.. and then along comes and Executioner.
Ok I think to my self, this is just like the little reds that are in the fort past the Cross roads. So I start to shoot him with my Bow, when all of a sudden he hits me hard with a spell, then He heals him self, then I see my life is down to about 40, "WHAT THE" I think so I run and Heal, and come back and cast a Blade Spirit, ok I think this will teach him, well after he killed my blade spirit and was still at about 1/4 health, I start to cast Cor Por on him etc.. One more Blade Spirit later, and he was Dead.
All that for some worthless stuff and I think 522 gold. Ok I guess the lesson was worth more than the loot.
Peace be with You My U-Hall Friends and Family