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Server goes down in once hyloth harrower is redlined conspiracy theories start here.


Seasoned Veteran
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:lick::sleep2::blushing:So the server some how mysteriously goes down for what id say was just about 5 min all while a harrower was redlined in hyloth that pretty much everyone knew about. The server comes back up with the harrower being dead and all of the scrolls taken out. All of this points to a possiblity of many things one of which is a gm being on the same side as some of the people who were there and couldnt do the job on there own so with a quick server shut down they get the scrolls. I mean thats more controvesial than a nba playoff game. honestly i think it does smell a little bit fishy, and you know what they say if it smells like fish and it looks like fish well it probably is nemo. :spider::eek::scholar::eek::yell::sleep2::blushing:

i also heard someone offerd 10 mil to have the harrower hehehe



Lore Keeper
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Re: Server goes down in once hyloth harrower is redlined conspiracy theories start he

I am glad to see that someone posted on this. I was there also and I was baffled on how this Harrower ended. In my case there was an actual window for them to finish it and get out. The Harry was about half life when I died. I was away from Hyloth for about 10 mins (running out of Hyloth and using stuck option to get back to Yew and then running to my house and restocking). The server went down right when I was about done loading up. I recalled back to Hyloth within one minute after the server coming back up and I didn't see one person that was down there killing the Harry running out.

I just figured they finished it and that I was the only one having server issues.



Re: Server goes down in once hyloth harrower is redlined conspiracy theories start he

Who was doing the Harry btw?