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[Price Check] Server Birth Flasks


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi recently obtained these items and wondering about what they are worth. Also is the Mallet and Chisel rare , + the vendor deed has no weight to it, even when you put in pack no weight is added to you. Any info would be great. Never really see these much so hoping someone can give me idea. Thxs



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the 3 flasks and the hourglass are worth the most, the hourglass being the most valuable, id happily pay 100 mil for the hourglass alone, probably 50-60 per flask, the 2 bottles thoug no more then a mil or so each as the latest round of items being renamed from a expliot not to be named created tons of them.the mallet and chisel was a semi rare obtained the same way as chisels,whips,tool kits etc... worth about a mil or 2 at most festival of grape is probably 25-50 mil vendor deeds like that are not seen to frequently but they are out there probably a few mil at most depending on the right buyer.same with the ship claim ticket but ive seen them for around 20-45mil hope this helps

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bottles may indeed be legit. The pink one wasn't involved in the renaming bug to my knowledge. One blue bottle may have been. The hue of the real version is very close to the 'fake' one. See if it matches the color of the... balm of wisdom.. I think it was. It the hue matches, it has been reproduced.

Mallet and Chisels are indeed rare, but not worth very much because they share a graphic - They are from Trinsic invasion event a loooong time ago. To the best of my knowledge were never crate stealables.

Some people were selling ship claims for 25m at festival, but I don't they sold. I bought mine for like 5m, but it was a few years back. I'd probably say realistically 10-15m on it now.

That's my opinion, hope it helps.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the info, helped allot. =)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the pink bottle and blue one were... they were renamed firecrackers... bought several before i found out unfortunatly, and yes the mallet and chisels were a crate item as well but i know they were removed from the crate loot a long time ago.