Greetings one and all; many of you will have met Vilbia before... for many months now she has been the Greater Dragon I have taken out to all the major events. She is named after one of the oldest Curse Tablets found in the waters of Roman era Bath;
She has fought alongside you, died alongside you too, but I always got my Vilbia back, and back to full strength soon after, as her competence was a vital tool in my armoury...
But it's time for her to seek a new home now. Stable space is alas tight, and as the world becomes an increasing arms race between ridiculous new monsters and ever more complicated weaponry, I need to squeeze every last drop of potential from my comrades. So... bid for her here. And her new master, take good care of her, or dissolve like water too!
As you can see, it's the hit points and strength, and good resists that push her up on Pet Calc. Pinco rates her lower, but I never did... *sniff*
Anyway, the auction for Vilbia will run until Friday 25th November at 8pm UK time. Extended by 30 minutes after each last bid.
I will also for once set a buyout price, because I don't really want to draw out the goodbyes.... 15m takes her. I don't expect the auction to reach that much, although some of my dragons in the past have, so it's hard for me to value her less.
*sniffs again* Ok, start the process of bidding!
Notes for Week 2 - Beginning Latin - Course REL 493 / HUM 493 at ENMUMay he who has stolen Vilbia from me dissolve like water
May she who has devoured her be struck dumb,
whether it be Velvinna, or Exsupereus, or Verianus, or Augustalis,
or Comitianus, or Catusminianus, or Germanilla, or Iovina
She has fought alongside you, died alongside you too, but I always got my Vilbia back, and back to full strength soon after, as her competence was a vital tool in my armoury...
But it's time for her to seek a new home now. Stable space is alas tight, and as the world becomes an increasing arms race between ridiculous new monsters and ever more complicated weaponry, I need to squeeze every last drop of potential from my comrades. So... bid for her here. And her new master, take good care of her, or dissolve like water too!
As you can see, it's the hit points and strength, and good resists that push her up on Pet Calc. Pinco rates her lower, but I never did... *sniff*
Anyway, the auction for Vilbia will run until Friday 25th November at 8pm UK time. Extended by 30 minutes after each last bid.
I will also for once set a buyout price, because I don't really want to draw out the goodbyes.... 15m takes her. I don't expect the auction to reach that much, although some of my dragons in the past have, so it's hard for me to value her less.
*sniffs again* Ok, start the process of bidding!