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Selling very olde ''Bucket of water'' on europa....nice decor item...Starts just 1m

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Pretty cheap for a bucket, I've been seeing those go for around 3ish lately.


i always try to be the cheapset and fairest on my shard..just go see my single vendor on the east wall of luna city- at the shop the dark moon of mihr- vendor called 'idoc hunters in luna'...........


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
why do you keep auctioning stuff tho? if you wana sell it cheap then find the avr price and go a bit lower.....avr price is about 3m...price it at like 1.5 or 2m and it'll sell quick=/


Huh ...
Is not auction the best way to get the best price...sure i could bang it on my luna city vendor....but that would be a fixed price and maybe cost me 7-14 days vendor costs too....mmm i think i know what im doing - yah yah uhh


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is not that rare and definitely not worth transferring to Europa for. You might have better luck posting it on an Europa specific forum. It would also be nice if you kept all your sales in one thread. Just a suggestion.


okies 4-5 days left so grab ya self a bargain if u play europa and u aint already got one....very nice decor item indeed....selling at just 1m !! wowza


i dont understand your bargins...you act as if its an auction, but then keep telling everyone its a mil...

kinda silly to me, but its late and stuff.


It is on auction ??? a fixed time auction ?? and u can win it for as little as 1.2m present bidding on the auction site..... fair for everyone to bid on...and no!! the auction cant be extended... like some previous online auctions have...so to be fair i would say its pretty much a bargain if u win a nice old bucket for just over 1m.....

but huh huh its early and all that.


Just a thought that might help you sell your items a little better. A little humility will take you a long way...and even help you achieve a top dollar figure.

As it stands now, I dont think i would ever buy anything from you.


sorry mate ...but its plainly and clearly a 'open auction' for anyone to bid on....as for top dollar...whatever .. to be fair i start an auction at the price id be happy selling it for, so anything above my start price is a bonus!!! ..so tis your call if u want one or not and also if u do or do not join in the europa community spirit....



if u do or do not join in the europa community spirit....

[/ QUOTE ]

1. I don't see the link between an auction for a bucket and the Europa Community spirit

2. This is the RARES FORUM. Not Europa forum. Not Europa trading forum. So why on earth would anyone here have to "join in" the spirit.

Overall, I think the point is:
Your items are too small and insignificant for people on this "international" forum to pay any attention to them and you'd be better off trying to advertise them on our Europa trading forum. I think it is this fact, in combination with your ... overly "enthousiastic" advertising style (making it sound like it's some amazing item while it's really just nothing all that special) that makes people want to react this way to your posts.


Overall, I think the point is:
Your items are too small and insignificant for people on this "international" forum to pay any attention to them


To newer collectors a ''bucket of water'' would be a nice addition iam sure - sorry if us newer collectors are invading your uber rares only -over +50m only plz board.... thought we could all share it!! be part of the COMMUNITY!!!


Well, here is the problem:

I only sporadically read these forums but just in the last month I've seen you ask for price checks or trying to auction items that:

You ask for advice(price), then get immediately combative if you don't agree with the post.. regardless of his experience level

Repeatedly bump your own posts that no one seems terribly interested in, and

Against advice list an item on an auction site while still advertising it here - if you want to use uo-auction2.com more power to you, Europa is probably the only shard left... or really ever used it tbh.

Not trying to bash or flame you but I have to agree with one of the above posters, at this point even if you had something I wanted - I probably wouldn't buy it from you.

This isn't the billionare-only room, you just need to take it easy.



Overall, I think the point is:
Your items are too small and insignificant for people on this "international" forum to pay any attention to them


To newer collectors a ''bucket of water'' would be a nice addition iam sure - sorry if us newer collectors are invading your uber rares only -over +50m only plz board.... thought we could all share it!! be part of the COMMUNITY!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

the point is, nobody is gonna transfer to europa for a bucket, a former daily rare like the fruit basket or rock, theres thousands of them out there.

you got the item free and your afraid to throw it on a vendor because it costs 20k a day, theres your mistake, at 3 mil sitting for 3 weeks you would still profit 2.5 mil. it takes money to make money, is 20k a day that bad?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cysphruo is exactly right man....im used to paying like 2-3m a day in vend fees and i still make hella profit...the least ive ever paid in vend fees is 300k a day and i STILL make hella profit....20k a day off a 3m item isnt bad at all considering it would prolly sit at most maybe 3 weeks like he said...AND to top that off you can cheat it by simply removing the item before ur renewal time is up=/

ur on europa NO ONE is guna xfer to europa to pick up a 1-3m item....this forum is for all shards IF you wana sell that if i was you id post it on the europa trading forum, and IMO not many ppl are guna waste their time on an auction that small....but thas jus my opinion of course


Your items are too small and insignificant for people on this "international" forum to pay any attention to them


Fair enough comments for sure...and points are taken for the better stuff later that i will sell....however i still think ive got a point for the ''newer'' collectors ...and its a total valid point!!!....and i dont need old freinds of old freinds backing each other up, ganging up on me ....the rares forum is for ''new'' and ''old'' collectors ...so if someone need to calm down then read the post again and point the finger elsewere..oh and i could hold a auction on here, yes, and i could like make a end date/time,and then i could go over that time by 24 hours or so if bids kept coming in....like as happened on here a few times....NO i prefer to use uoauction because its a fixed time auction and no such cheating/dragging it out longer!!!!


And all the naysayers!!!! if u dont wanna buy from me ...then dont !!!..simple !!

I just had a heap of crap from similar peeps when i tried to sell a fresh large keep i placed on europa ...

same crap...same abuse...way too expensive... way outta touch... silly man ..it will never sell ...etc etc etc... guess what... it sold .... and yes im loving it...

and what drives me on......u've got it....comments from here...

''THP Stick to what u know and do best''



And all the naysayers!!!! if u dont wanna buy from me ...then dont !!!..simple !!

I just had a heap of crap from similar peeps when i tried to sell a fresh large keep i placed on europa ...

same crap...same abuse...way too expensive... way outta touch... silly man ..it will never sell ...etc etc etc... guess what... it sold .... and yes im loving it...

and what drives me on......u've got it....comments from here...

''THP Stick to what u know and do best''

[/ QUOTE ]

have fun taking the long road instead of the short
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