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Selling Pet Selling Spawn Killing lesser! Full 120x


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All 120x just missing 1.2 of bush. Maybe 120 by the time we trade. I'm still using him! This tank kills spawn fast! ICQ or PM me. 413875533

spawn killer.jpg


Stratics Veteran
you seem like a knowledgeable person about pets, let me ask a question.

I am about to prepare a 850 skill samphire with 110 tame and 110 lore.

Firstly , should I definetly get 120lore and tame or 110 will do it?

My plan was to use cu sidhe ( as it heals itself ) with 120 chival, tactics, anatomy, heal, spellweaving and meditation.

what is the difference between your spawn killer and cu sidhe?

please someone enlighten me.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't know a ton but I'll tell you I run 120 lore and 115 taming. Your cu will probably require 108 taming to control when your done. The difference in say my spawn killer is the special moves. More then the skills. He has whirlwind attack. This is a samp at spawns. It's a hit area move. I also have a cu that I use that is discord and AI.

On a cu you really want to add healing and max it 120 before you add the ant and resist spells scrolls. You will find it's hard to get healing with 120 with 120 resist and 120 ant. So do them last!

Alex"Drake Iron Heart"CS

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I don't know a ton but I'll tell you I run 120 lore and 115 taming. Your cu will probably require 108 taming to control when your done. The difference in say my spawn killer is the special moves. More then the skills. He has whirlwind attack. This is a samp at spawns. It's a hit area move. I also have a cu that I use that is discord and AI.

On a cu you really want to add healing and max it 120 before you add the ant and resist spells scrolls. You will find it's hard to get healing with 120 with 120 resist and 120 ant. So do them last!
Disco the pet and poison it and healing will raise

Alex"Drake Iron Heart"CS

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
you seem like a knowledgeable person about pets, let me ask a question.

I am about to prepare a 850 skill samphire with 110 tame and 110 lore.

Firstly , should I definetly get 120lore and tame or 110 will do it?

My plan was to use cu sidhe ( as it heals itself ) with 120 chival, tactics, anatomy, heal, spellweaving and meditation.

what is the difference between your spawn killer and cu sidhe?

please someone enlighten me.
I recommend Cu with Healing too, Tact, chiv, wrest, anat, med, focus and give it AI or area effect


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah discord is good if you have a char that has it. Also it's hard to discord and lethal poison with a mage and fit all those skills on one temp. You can do it. It's just easier if the pet doesn't have 120 resist spells!


Stratics Veteran
I am not sure if it's possible for a pet sampire, could not find one that can do this. A sampire is chivalry (EOO), necro vampire (life leech), and if possible mana and stam leech (not possible with pet?) and bushido samurai. Even so the mana drops so fast that you won't see so much of an effect once you add AI. Too many skills and all consuming mana too fast. So unless they have mana leech I think pets are better off clean with just AI and a resistance lowering skill like rune corruption.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Stratics Veteran
My blue giant beetle with just AI and rune corruption fires off AI more and rune corruption lowers the resist by about 50% I think so there is also additional damage if AI did not fire. Typically damage is 143 highest with AI and 70-80 without AI but rune corruption. By having only 2 specials, the pet can only use the mana for these 2 and not use it for other non-essential spells etc.

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