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Selling some rares on Great Lakes



I put some prices down, if they're too high for GL or you want to do some kind of bulk deal I'm pretty open about negotiating price.

a deed for a vendor named evangeline, weight 90 stones - 900 k
a wrist watch x 2 - 750k each
champagne glass, red x 5 - 650k each
champagne glass, green x 2 - 900k each
whispering roses (papa, abercrombie, anarion, darwin, josua, drake) x 6 - 175k each
practice bow - 25k
practice longsword x 3 - 25k
practice mace - 50k
practice hatchet - 25k
practice gnarled staff - 65k
practice shephards crook x 2 - 90k
mini house deed sandstone patio - 200k
mini house deed tower - 1 mill <font color=red>SOLD</font color=red>
"a runebook of exceptional quality" x 4- 200k each
dragon statuette x 2 - 90k each
ogre statuette - 175k
cow statuette - 750k <font color=red>SOLD</font color=red>
gargoyle statuette - 175k
daemon statuette - 90k
furny dye tub - 125k
leather dye tub x 1 - 250k each
ranger gorget - 25k
hooded shroud of shadows - 4 mill (pending sale)
"A painting recovered from a shipwreck" all yellow tagged large painting x 3 - 100k each
"A painting recovered from a shipwreck" all yellow tagged man in black painting - 50k
"A portrait recovered from a shipwreck" all yellow tagged purple dress lady - 50k
"A portrait recovered from a shipwreck" all yellow tagged yellow dress lady - 50k
"A portrait recovered from a shipwreck" all yellow tagged green dress lady - 50k


After I sell one of my items on Great Lakes I'd be interestedin buying some if not all =)


hooded shroud of shadows - 200k ? did you perhaps mean the umbra version? If not, then I'll buy for 200k.


Can't you get hooded shrouds and chargers with heritage tokens now? That's what someone told me...ugh...


If DVI doesn't buy the shroud, I'd like to.
Even if it's the Umbra version, it'd be a fashion improvement either way for my Great Lakes characters.


Ok I changed the post. DVI I'll sell you the hooded shroud at 1 mill less than the going rate, if you don't want it the same offer is open to tirnanog. Now to find out what the going rate is...hehe...


Yes you can get the shroud, but it will still cost you $10 so that should still work out to be between 3 and 5 million. I got real lucky and sold two Full Soulstone tokens the day before they anounced the Legacy Token...got 12 million each for them. Over night soulstones are cut in half.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can´t tell for great lakes, but on europa hooded shrouds have been sold for amounts between 5.5 and 7 mils in the past weeks.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I got real lucky and sold two Full Soulstone tokens the day before they anounced the Legacy Token...got 12 million each for them. Over night soulstones are cut in half.

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I sold two last nite for 10 each on Sonoma.

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

champagne glass, red x 5 - 750k each

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Do those go for that much?? If so I got a steal on Sonoma other day. Got those glasses for 2500gp each, hehe.




champagne glass, red x 5 - 750k each

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Do those go for that much?? If so I got a steal on Sonoma other day. Got those glasses for 2500gp each, hehe.

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Oh wow, they must have confused em for flutes, ouch!

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend



champagne glass, red x 5 - 750k each

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Do those go for that much?? If so I got a steal on Sonoma other day. Got those glasses for 2500gp each, hehe.

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Oh wow, they must have confused em for flutes, ouch!

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Ouch for them, not for me. Its okay. She has more money that I could ever dream of having in UO. Darn you McMug!!!!!


Many of the prices have been lowered, buy my junk, err, awesome stuff!


whispering roses (papa, abercrombie, darwin) - 175k each

I'll take those three. I will ICQ you in the morning I am currently at work.



In relation to the red champagne flutes, as well as the light and dark pink champagne bottles, none of them are worth what people pay. When I left Atlantic Shard I gave a way a lot of stuff - included in the stuff were several crates FULL of each of the above - must have been 50 to 70 of each of the above.

I have never been the greatest hoarder, however, if I managed a collection that size, then I am sure others have even greater stock piles. That being the case, then these items are NOT worth the prices people ask. Having said that, people seem to have more money than sense these days when it comes to some items and if you can the price then more power to you


Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The flutes are actually not the same as the champagne glasses. The glasses were given out year one for xmas along with fruitcake, and some other stuff. The flutes were given out later on at v-day. The glasses are the same in appearance as the flutes, except for the name (which makes them worth much more, or so I am told).



In relation to the red champagne flutes, as well as the light and dark pink champagne bottles, none of them are worth what people pay. When I left Atlantic Shard I gave a way a lot of stuff - included in the stuff were several crates FULL of each of the above - must have been 50 to 70 of each of the above.

I have never been the greatest hoarder, however, if I managed a collection that size, then I am sure others have even greater stock piles. That being the case, then these items are NOT worth the prices people ask. Having said that, people seem to have more money than sense these days when it comes to some items and if you can the price then more power to you


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Hehe yeah I have tons of that V day junk. 10-12 full bags on baja right now, plus 200 or so empty bags, champagne bottles of both colors, and of course flutes and candies and cards. I hate that stuff, one of these days I'm going to chuck it all in the trash. Well not the full bags since those still go for quite a bit, but the rest of it is a big lockdown stealing headache.

The glasses are cute, and of course very old. Which is unfortunate since they can't be locked down (just like spam and those old happy holidays cards etc etc). Tho I do remember reading a thread about how to get stuff like that to lock down, some kinda new trick I haven't tried out yet. Anyways, it's kind of nice to have a pair just to have, but no point in having too many if they can't be displayed unless one is extremely optimistic about newbied items ever becoming lock-downable.