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[Selling] selling Mesanna Stealable Event, Rock Fish


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
item located on Drachenfles. 1 of 2 exist. taking bids.

123172317 or post bids here. Incredible item for any aqurium.
3 items should exist right? 2 from the initial event then 1 from the re spawn in dungeons.

NM. I misunderstood the initial post of the event :) Picture?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe Mesanna nixed the first items that went out, right? Since they were all taken before the event started?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2 of each exist except for the minnions of which 1 exist.

Before the event, 2 sets were made. 1 stealable and 1 not.

Before the event started, the entire set was stolen. Players were not happy.

Mesanna bless her heart, took the non-stealable set and turn them into stealables and put them out in the dungeons once more for players to steal.

I think she basically spent 5-6 hours not counting creating time for this. I am very greatful.