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Selling many rares on chesapeake!



Selling the following rares :

a nose helm of the phoenix
demon/elemental slayer bow
cursed artifact set including grim reaper scythe
ring: "My Love Bentley"
ring: "To Eternity's End With All My Love, Forever And Always, Robert"
purple sigil sandals
white daemon bone armor suit, no helm included
movable ballot box
a robe
a deed for a vendor named kyle
a deed for a vendor named max
member of the royal britannian guard sash (red color)
2 white bank checks (1 is value of 5k, 1 is value of 1gp)
hatchet: 74 uses remaining
216k silver faction coins
old bone containers just say "bones" different styles
big forge (facing south) deed
7 big forge (facing east) deed
7 stove oven (facing south) deed
stove oven (facing east) deed
training (facing south) deed
pickpocket (facing south) deed
anvil (facing east) deed
9 water trough (west) deed
7 water trough (east) deed
4 dartboard (south) deed
2 large bed (east) deed
5 large bed (south) deed
2 small bed (south) deed
1 small bed (east) deed

icq me at 102388892 or pm me if ur interested in anything


You shoudl save up yoru money and visit my museum on a shopping trip. Still over 100 items to sell.