Apparently, due to the fact that 4 in real life acquaintances have also started back and chosen great lakes as their shard of choice, I am going to great lakes. I don't really have a choice in the matter, due to the fact that a new account is being opened for me as we speak. (Early christmas present from old friends). I do have a few artis and rares on this shard, I'm not going to ask much for them either. Basically, 3 mil on GL will net you this on legends.
Voice of the Fallen King
Rune Beetle Carapace
9/20/6/20/20 6 LMC barbed gloves
Serpent's Fang
10k Barbed + Horned Leather
28k Iron Ingots
10k Shadow Ingots
1k Val Ingots
Copper Vet Robe
Special Hue Blue AOS Sandles
I very much appreciate the help from this, should start my new character off nicely on great lakes, and someday, soon, I will be back to Legends
(There's alot more than that, but those items are what I could remember of the top of my head)
Voice of the Fallen King
Rune Beetle Carapace
9/20/6/20/20 6 LMC barbed gloves
Serpent's Fang
10k Barbed + Horned Leather
28k Iron Ingots
10k Shadow Ingots
1k Val Ingots
Copper Vet Robe
Special Hue Blue AOS Sandles
I very much appreciate the help from this, should start my new character off nicely on great lakes, and someday, soon, I will be back to Legends
(There's alot more than that, but those items are what I could remember of the top of my head)